May 2022 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

The annual meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council, will be held on Monday 9 May 2022 at the Playing Fields Pavilion, Fishtoft, starting at 7:00pm or at the close of the Annual Parish meeting, whichever is the soonest. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.

Item 8 will be a public forum for a maximum of 10 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council followed by item 9, a maximum further 10 Minutes will be set aside for the meeting to receive reports from Lincolnshire Police, elected Members of Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council and other outside bodies.

V. Clark 
Mrs Victoria Clark    
Clerk to the Parish Council                                                                  
Tuesday, 03 May 2022

1.    To elect the Chairman: for the ensuring year 2022/2023

2.    Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office: by the Chairman to be witnessed by the Proper Officer
3.    To elect a Vice-Chairman: for the ensuring year 2022/23 and receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from the Vice Chairman 

4.    Chairman’s remarks:

5.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

6.    Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on          Members’ Register of Interests

7.    To resolve to close the meeting for the public forum and reports from outside bodies:

8.    Public forum: To hear short statements from members of the public

9.    Outside bodies: To hear short updates concerning Fishtoft Parish 

10.    Chairman to open the meeting:

11.    Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 April 2022: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

12.    Finance:
a)    Payment of accounts to be approved: Appendix A

b)    Cash book and bank statement: 30 April 2022 £66,165.06 

c)    Savings account: Update

d)    Annual Governance and Accountability Return: Section 1, Governance Statement: To complete and give permission for the Chairman and Clerk to sign

e)    Annual Governance and Accountability Return: Section 2, Accounting Statement: To approve and give permission for the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer to sign

13.    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a)    B/22/0140: Ext Construction of a lightweight steel building at Boston College Rochford Campus, Skirbeck Road, Boston PE21 6JF
b)    B/22/0168: 14/5 Demolition of fire damaged bungalow and erection of a 3-bedroom detached replacement chalet bungalow with associated parking, amenity space and landscaping at Potterdale, Cut End Road, Fishtoft, PE22 0QZ
c)    B/22/0126: 12/5 Amended details to Erection of glazed conservatory at Red Cow Inn, Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0SF

14.    Clerk’s report and outstanding matters:
a)    Anglian Water list of issues: To discuss 

15.    Members reports and business:
a)    Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station: Update to include finance
b)    Queens Platinum Jubilee Fun Day: Update to include finance
c)    Fishtoft 400/Buoy: Update to include finance
d)    Emergency Plan: Update to include finance and poster & Leaflet amounts to be printed and costs 
e)    Pilgrim Fathers gate vandalism: To discuss options/actions to include signs
f)    Committees, working groups and representatives: To discuss, update and resolve members  

16.    Correspondence received, Events & Reports
a)    Community posters in the notice boards and website: To discuss and resolve
b)    Grass maintenance Contractor: To discuss and resolve annual increase 
c)    Annual Insurance: To receive quotes and to discuss and resolve 

17.    Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council: To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B

18.    Dates for future meetings: 

9 June     7:00pm    Rochford Tower Hall
11 July    7:00pm    Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields
11 August    7:00pm    Rochford Tower Hall

Appendix A (Item 12)    FISHTOFT PC PAYMENTS APRIL-MAY 2022

Payments for approval
Payee    Service    Amount
V. Clark    April staff costs (Approximate)     345.57
TA Blackamore    May Grass Maintenance     1085.66
    TOTAL    £1431.23

Payments made since 1 April for signature
Payee    Service    Date    Amount
E. Armstrong    Reimbursement Mosaic materials 
Fishtoft 400     5 April    246.09
V Clark    Reimbursement for gardening tools
    19 April    394.83
Chris Cook Printing    Printing for Jubilee Fun Day busking    29 April    48.00
TOTAL    £688.92

Receipts from 1 April
Payee    Service    Date    Amount
Boston Borough Council     1st half precept less £4973.00 for Footway lighting and electricity costs    1 April 2022    £10,651.50
TOTAL    £10,651.50

Appendix B (Item 17)            FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC

No.    Area    ISSUE    DATE    HOW    REF    OUTCOME
1    A16 Hilldyke-Sibsey    Traffic Calming - Joint letter with Sibsey                 Waiting outcome
2    Tower/Priory/Eastwood    Archers Report                 Waiting outcome
3    Scalp Road    Substandard road        FMS    404458      No further action 20/10/21
4    Sibsey Road    2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard        FMS    404599      Investigating 9/9/21
5    Woad Lane    Gouges, potholes & flooding        FMS    390639    Action scheduled 23/4/21
6    Whitehouse Lane    Lamp out        BBC    404325    
7    Church Green Road    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4153606
    Proposal for works South Division
8    Eastwood Road Footpath    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164960    As above
9    Freiston Road Footpath    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164961    As above
10    Gaysfield Road     High Speed Vehicles – Email Letter     23/11/21    LCC    4169086    
11    Church Green Road     Extension of path – Email     15/12/21    LCC        
12    Gaysfield Road     Issues with blocked drains                
13    Scalp Road    Pot holes & need for layby    9/21    LCC        13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
14    Gilder Way/ Scotia Road    Overgrown trees    16/3    LHP/email        No further update