Fishtoft Parish Council is made up of eleven elected members, comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and nine members who are all unpaid volunteers and work for the benefit of the community and all local residents.
The 11 members for the Parish Council are split into 3 Wards; Hawthorn Tree - 6 seats, Willoughby Hills - 4 seats & Fishtoft Village - 1 seat.   
The council has currently four vacant seats following the uncontested nominations for the 2023 Election, 2 in the ward of Willoughby HIlls and 1 in each of the other two wards. If you are interested in being co-opted onto the Parish Council then please contact the Clerk at fishtoftpc1@outlook.comMore information about becoming a councillor can be found here
The Council are fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.
The Clerk to the Parish Council is the Proper Officer and also the Responsible Financial Offier who is a paid, part-time employee.
Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters before the commencement of the meeting during the public forum
The Parish Council Normally meets at 7:00pm on either the 2nd Monday or Thursday of the Month - please see the agenda for exact time and location of each meeting
All enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Fishtoft Parish Clerk at