October 2021 Minutes

Minutes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council, which was held on 
Monday 11 October 2021 at the Playing Fields Pavilion, Fishtoft, starting at 7:00pm

Present:  Councillors: Helen Crawford (Chairperson), Joff Williams (Vice Chairman), Liz Armstrong, 
Richard Lenton, Linda Taylor, Margaret Ordway and Mrs Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council.
Also present: Boston Borough Councillor Jonathan Noble, 3 residents and Fishtoft Academy’s representative
Public Forum: The 3 residents made statements
•    The members of the council were informed of anti-social behaviour by youths on the Playing Fields
•     2 residents stated that they wanted the buoy which is sited on the playing fields removed, they do not like the look of it and it blocks their view
•    The question was asked regarding the buoy: There was 6 buoys where has this 7th come from 
•    It was reported that children are climbing around the buoy

Lincolnshire Police: A statement was sent to the Clerk by the local Rural East Policing Team:
“The neighbourhood policing team have recently been advised that it is no longer a requirement for us to send a monthly report detailing recorded incidents, as per the Assistant Chief Constable Chris Davison’s guidance” 
Representative of Fishtoft Academy: A report was given to those attending which included
•    Due to the delay of building materials the construction of the new hall has been delayed but will hopefully be ready before Christmas
•    The school is hoping to provide wrap around care

Boston Borough Councillor J Noble:  Gave a report to those attending which included the following:
•    On the Borough website is a South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) Structure Chart
•    The Councillor grant runs until January 2022
•    Wide Bargate carpark will be closed on 25 November for the Christmas Market
•    Blue bins that are tagged can be put out with the general waste bin but not if they have been tagged several times
•    Small trailers at the recycling centre no longer need a permit

The Meeting Started at: 7:36 pm

1. Chairman’s remarks:
The Chairperson stated that it was nice to see members of the public at the meeting and thanked the Academy representative for attending 

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies with reasons had been given to the Clerk from Councillors Ashley, P. Skinner & J. Skinner
On proposal from Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Crawford and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given to the Clerk

3. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
None given

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 13 September 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
Councillor Williams wanted his objection recorded for Item 6e, these minutes will be added to the agenda for the November meeting

5. Police report and matters: To receive reports from the police
No report received 

6. Finance:
a) Payment of accounts
i. September Staff Costs: £571.80 (Estimated amount)
This amount was adjusted to £625.49 
ii. TA Blackamore Ltd: October grass Maintenance: £1085.66
iii. Glenn Hislop: 23 August War memorial garden maintenance: £30.00
iv. PKF Littlejohn: External Audit: £240.00
v. Information Commissioner’s Office: Data Protection fee: Direct Debit (Previously approved) £35.00
   On Proposal from Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Taylor with no objections, all resolved  
   to authorise all payments

b) Cash book and bank balance as of 30 September 2021
i. Bank balance: £70,283.96
ii. Cash Book: Sent to members 

c) Read only banking: Paperwork for Members to sign
Councillor Ordway signed the paperwork and the Clerk will organise for Councillor P Skinner to also sign

d) Savings account – Update 
i. The members preferred that a letter be sent to the bank giving the Clerk permission to open up savings accounts and Councillors Ordway and Armstrong signed the letter
ii. £10,000 will be put into a 1-year fixed term savings account
iii. The amounts set aside for footway lighting etc. and election costs would be moved to an instant access account 

7. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting

a) B/21/0406: 7/10 (Extn to 13/10): Proposed change of use and extension and alterations to existing holiday lets to form 1no. self contained annexe in connection with existing dwelling at Southfield Farm, Southfield Lane, Fishtoft, PE21 0SJ
No objections or comments

b) B/21/0422: 11/10 (Extn to 13/10) Outline Application with all matters  (Access Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) reserved for later approval for a proposed residential dwelling at Land Adjacent to 4 Priory Road, Fishtoft, Boston PE21 0RA
Objection and comments were made:
i. If this is not a windfall then it is outside the scope of the local plan
ii. The access is on a bend and therefore a safety issue
iii. The neighbouring property will be subjected to the loss of light
iv. If a property is built here, it should be a single storey dwelling

c) B/21/0440: 25/10 Replacement two storey dwelling and construction of new access and drive at Walnut Tree Farm, Tattershall Road, PE21 9NL
i. It was agreed that native trees should be used/planted 

8. Clerk’s report and outstanding matters
a) Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)   : Update and to discuss the LALC agreement 
To help the Clerk with time to study for her CilCA it was agreed that the council would be mindful of the Clerks workload and would also reimburse her for half the amount of mileage to/from Lincoln for training days.
The Chairperson signed the LALC agreement

9. Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council 
a) Church Green Road: Footpath. Ref: 4153606

b) Woad Lane: Gouges, potholes & flooding. Ref: 390639. 23 April – Update: Action scheduled

c) Eastwood Road Footpath: Reference 4164960 

d) Freiston Road Footpath: Reference 4164961

e) Lamp out, Whitehouse Lane: Reference 404325 - BBC

f) Nettles encroaching onto footpath, Woodthorpe Avenue/Eastwood Road: Reference 404335 - BBC
Highways were chased in September and October but no update has been received

10. Members reports and business
a) Queens Platinum Jubilee Fun Day Thursday 2 June 2022: Update
John Thursby of Grantham Punch & Judy has been booked at a cost of £400

b) Fishtoft 400 Heritage lottery fund: To receive accounts and report 
Mosaic Workshops for the Buoy will be held in the Pavilion at the playing fields on Tuesday 12 & 19 October

c) Clearing shrubs etc. near Hobhole pumping station: Update to include Treescape    
Councillors Ordway and Armstrong had a site visit with a manager from North Sea Camp who agreed to clear the bush etc. and the councillors also met with Witham Fourth’s Fishtoft Pumping Station manager who gave his permission for the work to be carried out

d) Outside bodies: 
i. School representative update
The Head Teacher of Fishtoft Academy will be the school representative to the council 
The Clerk has not had a reply for the 3 emails she has sent to Hawthorn Tree School

ii. Playing Fields Committee AGM 6/10/2021
Councillor Lenton joined the Playing Fields Committee and will be the Council’s Representative

e) Emergency Plan: Update
Councillor Williams will look into the list of possible places that could be sanctuaries which Councillor Ordway sent him, and he has asked the Emergency Planning officer which connecting councils have a plan.

f) Website and social media: For discussion
The Clerk has started to put together a policy 
g) Scalp road condition: Discussion and action
The Clerk has sent report of condition and need of layby to highways

h) LALC First Aid Training: To discuss if needed
It was agreed that the Council did not need a First Aider and it was established that there is a defibrillator outside the Pavilion

i) Gaysfield Road, highspeed vehicles including farm traffic: To discuss 
Councillor Lenton will draft a letter to highways

j) Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum: To discuss why this has been taken off the agenda
It was discussed that if an item is not on the agenda, then it should not be discussed as it does not give members time to consider and research the subject. It would be added to the next agenda when room permits

11. Correspondence received, Events & Reports
a) Boston Grammar School Consultation: To discuss and consider a response
It was agreed that any members wanting to respond would do so as an individual and not as a councillor, the council as a whole made no comments on the matter.

12. Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum 
As per item 10j

13. Next meeting: Monday 8 November at 7:00 pm

The meeting closed at 8:53 pm