July 2021 Minutes (No Meeting in June)
Minutes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council which was held on Monday 19 July 2021, in Fishtoft Playing Fields near the Pavilion
Present: Councillors: Helen Crawford (Chairperson), Joff Williams (Vice Chairman), Liz Armstrong,
Richard Lenton, Judith Skinner, Linda Taylor, Roly Ashley and Mrs Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council.
Councillor Paul Skinner joined the meeting later
Also present: Boston Borough Councillor Jonathan Noble
Public forum:
No public in attendance
The meeting opened at 7.06pm
1. Chairman’s remarks
The Chairperson remarked that it was lovely to see everyone
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Councillor Margaret Ordway had given her apologies with reasons to the Chairperson before the meeting
on proposal from Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor J Skinner and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given to the Chairperson
3. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
Cllr. P Skinner – Item 7 and 10F
4. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 5 May 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On Proposal from Councillor Ashford, seconded by Councillor Taylor and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 5 May 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairperson to sign them
5. Police report and matters
The Clerk received an email with apologies from PCSO Baker and to say there was nothing to report
The Clerk to ask again whether the police have any statistics on conviction rates etc.
6. Finance
a) Payment of accounts
The total payment amount was £3241.03 which included 2 months War Memorial Garden maintenance, 2 Months Grass Maintenance, 2 month’s Clerk’s Salary with reimbursements, 3 Months HMRC payments and councillor reimbursements.
On Proposal from Councillor J. Skinner and seconded by Councillor Williams with no objections, all resolved to authorised all payments
b) Cash book and bank statements
On Proposal from Councillor Lenton and seconded by Councillor Williams with no objections, all resolved to agree with the cash book and statements
The Clerk to add savings to the next agenda
c) Online banking – To discuss and the safe guarding to be put in place
On Proposal from Councillor Armstrong and seconded by Councillor J. Skinner with no objections, all resolved that the Clerk should apply for online Banking on behalf of the council with the safeguard of 2 signatories for each payment sheet
The Clerk to arrange for the mandate
The financial regulations to be changed to cover this
d) Grants requests: To be approved and resolved
A grant request from the PCC was received with previous years accounts
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor J. Skinner with no objections, all resolved to award the PCC with a grant for £700 towards the upkeep of the Churchyard
e) Financial regulations - To discuss any amendments
The Clerk to email a copy of LALC’s model financial regulations to all councillors and add it to the next agenda
All members to let the Clerk know of any changes before the next meeting
7. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting.
a) B/21/0289: 23/7: Erection of uPVC framed lean-to style porch conservatory at 3, Bakers Lane, PE22 0PH
No Objections
b) B/21/0323: 30/7: 5 Mayflower Close, Fishtoft, PE21 0DE
An observation was made that there should be some consideration to the lack of light that the neighbours might experience with this extension
c) B/21/0329: 2/8: Southfield Farm, Southfield Lane, Fishtoft, PE21 0SJ
No objections
8. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters
a) A16 speed calming (joint request with Sibsey P.C) – Update
Clerk to ask Councillor P Skinner for an update and inform all councillors
b) Junction of Rochford Tower Land, Priory Road an Eastwood Road, Fishtoft – Archers report
Clerk to ask Councillor P Skinner for an update and inform all councillors
c) Waste bins
The Clerk to check that the price of £304.50 + VAT includes regular emptying at no extra cost to the Parish Council
d) Hobhole pumping station
In the past North Sea Camp has helped with tidying and clearing the branches and the members would like help from them again
The Clerk to check with Councillor Ordway
9. Fix My Street
a) Church Green Road: Footpath. Ref: 4153606
Further complaints have been made about this and also the over hanging hedges
The Clerk to report footpaths to highways
The Clerk to write to the residents of the overhanging hedges
b) Shortfield Lane: Mud & damage to road surface. Ref: 385758
Last report on 26 April stated it was fixed
Councillor Williams to check and report back to the Clerk
c) Woad Lane: Gouges, potholes & flooding. Ref: 390639. 23 April – Update: Investigating
Last report 11 May – Action scheduled (no date)
10. Members reports and business
a) Fishtoft Community Centre
Fishtoft Academy are building a hall which should be completed by October
b) Fishtoft Fun Day to include future payments to creditors
Councillor Armstrong updated those attending on plans also the leaflets will be redated and printed
c) Fishtoft 400 to include future payments to creditors
Councillor Armstrong updated those attending on plans including the base for the buoy and moving it into position
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor Williams with no objections, all resolved to give Councillor Armstrong delegated powers to purchase items/services for Fishtoft 400 and Funday. Councillor Armstrong to update via email or at next meeting
d) Standing orders – To discuss any amendments
The Clerk to email a copy of LALC’s model regulations to all councillors and add it to the next agenda
All Members to let the Clerk know of any changes before the next meeting
e) Notice Boards – Adding information
To help cut down expenses Members were asked if they would look after the posting of notices in the four notice boards within the parish.
The Clerk to get extra keys cut for those members
Village Board: Councillors Armstrong and Lenton
Rochdale Board: Councillor Ashley
Co-op Board: Councillors Armstrong and Lenton
Pilley’s Lane/A16 Board: Councillor Crawford
f) Council representative for B/20/0488 & B/20/0489
After discussions Councillor Williams was asked if he would be prepared to do this and he agreed
On Proposal from Councillor Lenton and seconded by Councillor Taylor with no objections all agreed to councillor Williams being the Parish Council spokes person for these planning applications
11. Correspondence received, Events & Reports
a) LALC Councillor refresher – 20 July 7-9pm via Zoom
The Clerk informed the members of this meeting and the one to be held on the 27th
b) LALC CiLCA training – 22 September 1-4pm, 3 & 17 November & 1 December 10-4pm @ £200
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor Williams with no objections, all resolved to authorised the Clerk to book this training
c) Other training
The members were updated on training booked
d) Queens Jubilee
The Borough wanted to know if Parishes had Beacons – Fishtoft does not have one
The members will discuss this in further details at the next meeting
12. Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum
No public attending
13. Reports from Boston Borough Council (BBC) & Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Members
Councillor Jonathan Nobel
Leaflets were handed out detailing the Councillor Grant Scheme of up to £1000 for Covid -19 related projects within the community
There are discussions as to whether to extend the Alliance with South Holland joining resources with Boston Borough Council
£30m from Central Government has gone to local businesses
Councillor P Skinner
Confirmation that the Boston town deal of nearly £20m has been approved by central government and the 8 projects in it can go ahead
14. Resolve to go into closed session
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor Williams with no objections, all resolved to go into a closed session at 9.00pm
15. Personnel committee
16. Next meeting: Monday 9 August at 7:00pm at the Playing fields Pavilion
Meeting closed at 9.00pm