January 2021 Minutes


PRESENT:  Cllrs. E. Armstrong (Chairman), J. Williams, R. Lenton, P. Skinner, J. Skinner, H. Crawford, Cllr. M. Ordway joining the meeting during the public forum.

Mrs. Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council

Also present Boston Borough Cllr. J. Noble (Joining the meeting during item 6) and 9 members of the public

PUBLIC FORUM   The Chairman opened the public forum at 7.04pm and all attending were invited to speak

Four residents gave their views and objections on planning applications B/20/0488 & 0489 to include:

The intended field would be at risk of flooding, this and nearby properties already have a problem with flooding

The area is unsustainable with no medical facilities, shops, public transport, nursery and with only one infant school

Lack of paths for walkers and narrow roads for cyclists lead to a danger for children going back and forth to school and other destinations

There are no facilities for children of any age which may lead to unsociable behaviour within the community 

Roads are very small & not fit for purpose certainly not for large vehicles

The Infrastructure is not suitable for extra traffic during the build or afterwards if it were passed 

The intended site is of archaeological interest including Roman, Saxon & the 1st Mayor of Boston had connections to this land.

There was a sink hole at the top of Gaysfield Road near the Red Cow public house

In 2015 a planning application for 1 house behind the Red Cow Pub was refused with, increase of traffic, flood risk, the village lacked facilities and the development was unsustainable being some of the reasons for refusal.

Concerns over scope creep.

Lack of clarity over where the 20 affordable housing properties will be.

The fact that this is a greenfield site, whilst alternate brownfield options do not appear to have been exhaustively considered.

The development is out of character with the village at large.

The new build would overlook existing properties denying reasonable levels of privacy without erection of obtrusive visibility screens.

Impact on local wildlife (swift bricks notwithstanding)



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and giving their views

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

No apologies received

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests

Cllr. P. Skinner declared an interest in item 6 as he is on the Planning committee at the Borough Council

4. NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS HELD ON 14th DECEMBER 2020 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

The Chairman had previously asked for a change in wording for item 8.

On Proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Crawford, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of the 14th December 2020 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the chairman to sign them


a) Approve payment of accounts

Payment list had previously been sent to all members - On Proposal from Cllr. Lenton and seconded by Cllr. Williams, with no objections all resolved to authorised the above payments 

Cllr. Ordway later in the meeting asked that the payment list be changed to show a donation of £50 to come from the Chairman’s fund. After a vote of 6 to 1 for, it was proposed by Cllr. Ordway, seconded by Cllr. Armstrong, all resolved this – Cllr. Lenton voted for it to come from the Donations fund.

ACTIONS: The Clerk to alter the payment list 

b) Budget update & bank statement – To approve

All members had been sent these ahead of the meeting - On proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Lenton, with no objections all resolved to accept them as correct.

6. PLANNING MATTERS – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include applications received between 7/12/2020 & 14/12/2020

a) Solar Park – Land at Boston Landfill

With no objections the only comments were that it was a good use of a brown field site and it would produce free energy 

b) B/20/0475 - Erection of an industrial building (Use Class B8) on the existing car park, creation of a new car park and formation of a hardstanding at Metsa Wood, Fishtoft Road, Fishtoft, Boston,  PE21 0BJ

No objections 

ACTION: The Clerk to inform the planning department of the comments for the above applications

c) B/20/0488 - Outline application for 46 residential dwellings and associated works with all matters reserved for later approval at Land adj & to the rear of, Fishtoft Scouts, Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, Boston, PE21 0SF

d) B/20/0489 - Proposed residential development of 20 affordable dwellings and associated works at Land adj and to the rear of Fishtoft Boy Scouts, Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, Boston, PE21 0SF

The members gave their views and objections to items 6c & 6d and agreed with those views of the residents:

It was mentioned that the presentation from the residents was good

There had in the past been near miss accidents in this area and because of this Anglian Water had been instructed not to use vehicles in this area during school peak times.

To date the planning department had received 33 responses from residents 

The submission of the application date was Christmas eve giving little time for discussion

Concerns of access which is on a corner by the scout hut

Concerns of being near a primary school and the dangers of extra traffic to children that would bring 

The question was raised as to whether the Scouts had been informed 

The extra flood risk to near-by properties, existing residents already have a problem with flooding

Lack of public transport 

No Secondary school

Those attending were informed that both applications had been called in

The area for the affordable housing outside the local plan

The Parish Councils policy is not to take on any more grass cutting or maintenance so therefore any new developments would need a plan for these areas

The question arose as to why developers are not constructing sustainable/green buildings

We should be keeping arable land in an effort to be self sufficient

If planning is given it should only be for bungalows 

Would normally agree to affordable housing however this area is not sustainable with no facilities so therefore should not be built. 

It is a site of archaeological importance 

Fishtoft Parish Council has previously stated that any new housing development should not build houses immediately behind existing bungalows but should build bungalows to retain privacy for existing residents

ACTION: The Clerk to inform the planning department of the comments for the above applications and those from the public forum


a) A16 speed calming (joint request with Sibsey P.C) – Update

No update from the highways department, Cllr. P. Skinner stated that there was a back log of approximately 18 months however he would keep letting them know that it was in the system

b) Overgrown hedges Pilley’s Lane & A16 – Reported on Fix My Street ref: 380943

The reply from fix my Street was that it required no urgent action and so no further action would be taken

ACTION: Cllr. Crawford would send pictures of the footway and hedges to the Clerk

ACTION: The Clerk to report again with pictures

c) Parking on Church Green Road – Update

LHP have replied stating that most of the properties are now privately owned and not by them

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the owners of the properties 

d) Church Green Road Footpath Ref: 4153606

No update 

e) Signage at the junction of Rochford Tower Land, Priory Road an Eastwood Road, Fishtoft – Reported on Fix My Street Ref:380952

The report from Fix my street stated that there was sufficient signage and no further action would be taken

Cllr. P. Skinner has requested an Archers report and will keep us informed on this

f) Reported overgrown trees on Saddlers Way – Reported on Fix My Street ref: 380941

The report from Fix my street stated that a neighbour had offered to safely remove debris on behalf of the property owner and that no further action would be taken

g) Vandalism around the Pavilion and CCTV

The committee have not sent in the costs involved 

The neighbourhood team have had no reports of vandalism 

h) Maple Road Play Area

If residents would like to start a playground committee then the Parish Council would be behind them and give advice


a) Fishtoft 400 & Fun Day

The Chairman updated those attending on the next 2 items

Fun Day is not progressing due to Covid-19, there is a deadline of March 31st to report back on where the grant money has been spent, hopefully because of the pandemic there will be an extension.

Due to lost deposits the fund is depleting so no more can be given out until a more definite date is known

The base for the buoy cannot be constructed in bad weather so this should happen in spring 

b) Communities leaders briefing – Covid-19 meeting summary  

1 in 3 people with Covid have no symptoms could will pass it on to other

20% of people that contract Covid will get it seriously 

Factors in area that assist with a high infection rate are the numerous H.M.Os, sharing of transport, schools and food industries

Individuals with no symptoms need to be encouraged to use the community rapid testing centres available from 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week at the Peter Paine Centre and Tollfield Road Campus, Haven High. No booking necessary and available until the 14th February

There is a government grant of £500 available to those on a low income that have too self-isolate   


None received that isn’t covered elsewhere on the agenda


Covered under planning


Cllr. Noble

Financially the Borough is looking OK due to Central Government funding, however this could change for the next financial year

Council tax income is only 2% down on the expected amount. Council tax will be going up

People with no Covid symptoms are being encouraged to use the free rapid testing centres as per Item 8b 

There is a payment of £500 for those on low income that have to self-isolate

The 1-hour free parking in most of the Borough owed carparks will continue until March 31st and will be reviewed

From funding from central government there will be a language lab at Haven High will open with dual language persons taken on to help to encourage integration

Cllr. P. Skinner

With the new industries opening there will be work opportunities locally and when people are earning, they are more likely to spend which hopefully will help town centre businesses

A letter has been written to Priti Patel asking that tobacco should be licenced 

The Borough has received £38mil from Central Government which will help town centre for improvements

Traffic works due 17th – 19th February by Anglian Water 

Cllr. J. Skinner

A working group should soon be formed to find solutions for the fly tipping problem

Due to anti-social behaviour and licencing, a letter has been written to Central Government with recommendations that sectors work together, the Police and Council would be able to give support to Parish Councils. Also suggesting increasing the fee for applying for a licence so that officers could be more pro-active to police this. 


None received 

13. HYBRIDE MEETINGS – Discussion 

No information on the government site

Halls are closed due to lock down

No-one stated that they are finding video conferencing difficult now

14. FUTURE MEETINGS & NEXT MEETING – Monday 16th February 2021 at 7pm Changed to Monday 8th February 2021 at 7pm

Due to confliction of dates for some members it was suggested that the meetings move from the 3rd Monday of the month to the 2nd Monday

ACTION: The Clerk to send a list of dates to members for approval