March 2021 MInutes
Minutes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council held on Monday 8th March 2021 via video conference commencing at 7pm
Present: Cllrs. E. Armstrong (Chairman), J. Williams, R. Lenton, P. Skinner, J. Skinner, H. Crawford, M. Ordway and Mrs. Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council
Also present Boston Borough Cllr. J. Noble, Mr. Roly Ashley and 1 member of the public
Public forum:
No members of the public spoke
1. Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman welcomed those present
2. Apologies for absence To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
No apologies received
3. Co-option To fill vacant seats on the Parish Council followed by signing of declarations of acceptance of office, Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and the Code of Conduct
All members and Mr Ashley had an opportunity to make statements and ask questions during the closed session at the February Full Council Meeting held on 8th February 2021.
On proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner seconded by Cllr. Lenton all resolved to co-opt Mr Roly Ashley onto Fishtoft Parish Council; the Chairman invited him to join in the meeting
Mrs Clark as Proper Officer of the Council witnessed and countersigned the new Councillor’s signature on the declaration of acceptance of office, disclosable Pecuniary Interests, the Code of Conduct and members local interest form
Action: The Clerk to inform Boston Borough Council
4. Declarations of interest (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
Cllr. P. Skinner declared an interest in item 8 as he is on the Planning committee at the Borough Council
5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th February 2021 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On Proposal from Cllr. J. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Williams, with no objections all resolved to accept the notes of the 8th February 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them
6. Police report
The Clerk received apologies and a report from P.C.S.O Baker
Since the last meeting in February there has been four reports received by the Police for the Fishtoft area and also the Police would like residents to be aware of the many frauds in many forms, this is something that is happening world-wide.
It was discussed that dog-napping is a big problem in the area and owners should be aware when their pets are in the garden alone.
7. Finance
a) Approve payment of accounts
The payment list had previously been sent to all members - On Proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Williams with no objections all resolved to authorised the above payments
b) Budget update and bank statement – To approve
All members had been sent these ahead of the meeting - On proposal from Cllr. Williams and seconded by Cllr. Lenton, with no objections all resolved to accept them as correct.
c) Grass Maintenance contract
T.A. Blackamore is happy to extend the contact for the 2021-2022 season at no added cost
8. Planning matters – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council - To include applications received between 1/3/2021 and 8/3/2021
a) B/21/0034 – Replacement 2 storey dwelling with detached garage at Harlands, Long hedges, PE22 0RH
No Objection or comments
Action: The Clerk to inform the planning department at the Borough
9. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters
a) A16 speed calming (joint request with Sibsey P.C) – Update
Officers are looking at the stretch of A16 from Pilley’s lane to Hurn Lane
b) Parking on Church Green Road – Update
Lincs Housing Partnership, the Police and Highways were contacted asking for their help in this matter, each of these had replied stating they could not assist. A letter was hand delivered by the Parish Council to each home near the blind bend, asking residents to utilize their parking spaces to the rear of the properties to ease the potential risk of a collision, this appeared to work for a few days however parking on the road has returned.
Action: The Clerk to take this Item off the agenda
c) Junction of Rochford Tower Land, Priory Road and Eastwood Road, Fishtoft – Archers report
The Clerk has not yet received a report
Action: Cllr. P. Skinner to erect some speed signs as a temporary measure
10. Fix My Street
a) Overgrown hedges Pilley’s Lane and A16 – 2nd report on Fix My Street ref: 386049
This has been completed
b) Church Green Road Footpath Ref: 4153606
No update
c) Wythes Lane/Priory Road junction – Ongoing flooding – Ref: 385112
Not yet completed
d) Shortfield Lane – Mud and damage to road surface – Ref: 385758
Not yet completed
e) Woad Lane – Gouges, Potholes and flooding Ref: 390639
Not yet completed
11. Members reports and business
a) Staffing Subcommittee members
Cllrs. Ashley and Crawford to join Cllr. Armstrong, P. Skinner and Lenton as the subcommittee for personnel
b) Fishtoft 400
The Chairman gave an update to include the completed walking map designed by Cllr. Ordway. The Buoy will be sited in the playing field just inside the entrance and we are waiting for a quote for the base.
c) Fishtoft Fun Day
If there are no conflicting events in the area then the end of September 2021 could be a possible date
d) Litter Picking
The Fishtoft Social Media group volunteers have to sign up with the Borough for insurance purposes
Cllr. Ordway pointed out that the verges along the A16 needs clearing but for safety need teams
12. Correspondence Received, Events and Reports
a) Allotments
The Clerk gave the members an update on payments who then discussed procedures going forward
b) Lobby Day
The Members had received a draft from the Clerk of ideas to put forward to Matt Warman MP for the continuation of the legislation allowing Councils to continue to meet remotely after the expiration date of the current regulations of 7th May and to allow Hybrid meetings once government restrictions have lifted, reasons were given why this is needed
Members were for this and shared other reasons
The technical side would be looked into by Cllr. Ashley
c) Waste Bins
There are three areas with issues regarding bins
I. The Clerk has requested a wheely bin for the layby on Fishtoft Road after a resident informed the Council of the amount of litter being left there
II. A dog bin went missing from the vicinity of Play Towers, this was owned by the Parish Council but had not been reported by the Borough operatives as being found. The members decided to see if a new one would be needed
III. A resident requested dog waste bins be placed on Horncastle and Willoughby Roads, the Clerk made a request to the waste department who came back with costs and a list of requirements to be considered. The Members considered the costs but this has not been budgeted for.
Action: The Clerk to contact the waste department regarding, emptying and signage
13. Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum
14. Reports from Boston Borough Council and Lincolnshire County Council Members
Free parking in certain carparks has been extended for another month
Council Tax has increased this includes increases from L.C.C and the drainage board
P.S.P.S will be running several departments at the Borough; their systems are far more up to date than the Boroughs.
There are Central Government monies for various improvements and support in the Borough
At the recycle centre all household waste is now being accepted via the booking system and vans can apply for a permit
Purple bins will soon be rolled out within the Borough, the blue bin collection will then be monthly and there will be teams to help with residents’ questions.
15. Next meeting – Monday 12th April 2021 at 7pm
16. Resolve to go into closed session
On Proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Lenton, with no objections the meeting went into closed session and Cllr. Noble left.
17. Co-option of Members – Discussion only
The meeting closed at 8.53 pm