November 2021 Notes

Notes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council, which was held on
Monday 8 November 2021 at the Playing Fields Pavilion, Fishtoft, starting at 7:00 pm

(These notes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present: Councillors: Helen Crawford (Chairperson), Joff Williams (Vice Chairman), Liz Armstrong, 
Richard Lenton, Judith Skinner, Margaret Ordway, Linda Taylor, and Mrs Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council.
Councillor Paul Skinner joined the meeting during item 6c
Public forum:
No public in attendance 

Councillor Jonathan Noble – Boston Borough Council sent the Clerk his apologies, he might be too late to join the meeting 

Councillor Judith Skinner – Boston Borough Council:
Update on the Environment and performance Committee meeting: A draft climate change strategy was on the agenda and how the Borough can reduce carbon emissions.     
The Meeting Started at: 7:02pm

1. Chairman’s remarks:
The Chairperson mentioned the Murder of MP Sir David Amess and before him Councillor Jo Cox and also the increase of online bulling. She pointed out that although the council cannot control what happens outside, inside Members can work with each other and lead by example. 

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
The Clerk received apologies with reasons from Councillor P Skinner that he would be late to the meeting.
On proposal from Councillor Crawford, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given to the Clerk

3. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
A declaration of interest was given by Councillor Ordway for item 7a and Councillor P Skinner for item 7

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 13 September 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
Councillor Williams informed the Clerk that these minutes did not need amending as previously thought. On proposal from Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 13 September 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairperson to sign them

5. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 11 October 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
On Proposal from Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Lenton and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 11 October 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairperson to sign them

6. Finance:
a) Payment of accounts
i.   November Staff Costs: £367.64 (Estimated amount) Corrected amount £367.44
ii.  TA Blackamore Ltd: November grass Maintenance: £1085.66
iii. Handyman Hislop: 14 October: £30.00
iv.  Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal: Poppy Wreath: £35.00
v.   Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board: Annual drainage rates: £217.65
On Proposal from Councillor J Skinner and seconded by Councillor Taylor, with no objections, all resolved to authorise all payments

b) Cash book and bank balance as of 31 October 2021
i.  Bank balance: £66,486.38
ii. Cash Book: Sent to members for approval 

c) Budget for Precept: To discuss and resolve the budget amounts and precept request
A budget amount of £32,760 and precept request of £31,249 was resolved with no objections.
This is a reduction of £1,490 from 2021/2022

d) Savings account – Update
The Bank will not accept a signed letter requesting 2 savings accounts, councillor Armstrong will telephone the bank to make arrangements 

7. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a) B/21/0401: (Ext 10/11) Proposed 2 bed chalet bungalow at Sandy Lodge, Fishtoft Road PE21 0QR
Amended plans have been received to Boston Borough Council Planning Department
It was agreed that the council’s decision had not changed from the previous objection which was “This does not fit in with the local plan regulations”

Received after agenda posted 

b) B/21/0411:  Land South of, Wainfleet Road, Boston, PE21 9RN
Members had no objection to this planning application however there was some observations and comments:
• The Members would like it noted that it is Fishtoft Parish Council’s policy not to undertake maintenance or grass cutting for any open space or SUDS area. Developers would need to create an adequate managerial plan and ensure resources are in place to guarantee satisfactory future management.
• Fishtoft Parish Council will also not be involved in the running of the Community Hall
• The plan looks like it includes a footway access to Somersby Way, if not then the Council would like this considered to help children and parents reach the schools in safety as well as others wishing to walk away from roads.

8. Clerk’s report and outstanding matters: No outstanding matters

9. Members reports and business
a) Report from resident: Playing Field anti-social behaviour: To discuss action
• All concerns from the public should be reported to the police using 101 and if urgent then 999
• The Clerk will inform the Playing Field Committee and also the police
• Councillor P Skinner will check with 101 and the Anti-Social Behaviour department 

b) Church Green Road pavement extension: To discuss action
• To be discussed at the next meeting

c) Request from residents: Removal of Buoy: To discuss and resolve
• The cost of removal, reciting and other locations were discussed
• All members were asked if the buoy should remain in the current position, there were no objections 
• The Chairperson will write to the residents that voiced their objection to the position of the Buoy

d) Fishtoft 400 Heritage lottery fund: To receive accounts and update
• There is £582.37 not yet allocated in the fund
• The Clerk has completed the end of project report
• Receipts and a detailed report to be sent
• Councillor Armstrong and Lenton are still running mosaic workshops which are proving popular

e) Clearing and tidying the area near the Hobhole pumping station
North Sea Camp have kindly offered their services to once again clear the area and would be interested in providing a monthly team with the help from the council for tools and taking away waste  
Councillor Ordway will contact the manager for further information

f) Website and social media policy: To be discussed, amended or resolved
To be discussed at the next meeting

g) Public participation Policy: To be discussed, amended or resolved
The standing orders and financial regulations will be changed to reflect this
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor P Skinner with no objections, all resolved to adopt this policy

10. Correspondence received, Events & Reports:

a) LALC extra training: To be resolved
It was resolved with no objections that should training be offered that was not included in the LALC training scheme and of interest to members then it would be booked by the Clerk and come out of the training budget

b) Remembrance Sunday: Information for 14 November 2021
There will be a service at the Memorial starting at 10.15 am

11. Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council: 
• Updates were given on incorrect dates for works on Gaysfield Road
• Councillors, Lenton, Williams and Taylor had contributed to a letter to highways written by Councillor Lenton on the use of Gaysfield Road by large heavy traffic which will be send to Highways

12. Next meeting: Monday 13 December at 7:00 pm