April 2021 Minutes

Minutes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council which was held on Monday 12 April 2021, via video conference   

Present:  Councillors Elizabeth Armstrong (Chairman), Jonathan Williams, Richard Lenton, Judith Skinner, Helen Crawford, Margaret Ordway, Roly Ashley and Mrs. Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council.
Councillor Paul Skinner joined the meeting before item 11d 
Also present, Boston Borough Councillor Jonathan Noble, and 1 member of the public.

Public forum:  
A resident thanked the members of the Parish Council for objecting to the planning applications B/20/0488 & 0489 to build houses in Gaysfield Road to the rear of the scout hut and supporting the views of the residents, then informed those attending that the Borough’s planning meeting is likely to be to delayed until June and asked if any members of the council would speak at the meeting.

The meeting opened at 7:09pm

1. Chairman’s remarks: 
The Chairman spoke of sadness following the death of Prince Philip and that thoughts were with the Royal family and especially the Queen.

2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
The Clerk received apologies from Councillor P Skinner, on proposal from Councillor J Skinner, seconded by Councillor Lenton and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given to the Clerk.

3. Co-option: To fill vacant seats on the Parish Council followed by signing of declarations of acceptance of office, Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and the Code of Conduct.
All members and Mrs Linda Taylor had an opportunity to make statements and ask questions during the closed session at the March Full Council Meeting.
On proposal from Councillor P. Skinner seconded by Councillor Lenton all resolved to co-opt Mrs Taylor onto Fishtoft Parish Council; the Chairman invited her to join in the meeting.
Mrs Clark as Proper Officer of the Council witnessed and countersigned the new Councillor’s signature on the declaration of acceptance of office, disclosable Pecuniary Interests, the Code of Conduct and members local interest form.
Action: The Clerk to inform Boston Borough Council

4. Declarations of interest: (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillors. Williams and Ordway declared an interest in item 8d.
Councillor J. Skinner declared an interest in item 8c.

Chairman: H Crawford
Date: 19 July 2021
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5. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 8 March 2021: - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
On Proposal from Councillor Crawford, seconded by Councillor Lenton and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of the 8 March 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them.

6. Police report:
PCSO Baker sent her apologies and a report to the Clerk.
There were 11 items, 2 of which were fraud of which the Clerk was asked to find more information.
Action: The Clerk to contact PCSO Baker and ask the question.

7. Finance:
a) Payment of accounts – To approve
The payment list had previously been sent to all members - On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor J. Skinner with no objections, all resolved to authorised the above payments.
b) Grant requests - To discuss
Fishtoft playing field trust had sent in a request with their latest accounts, a question was raised about the extra usage of water and on proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor J. Skinner with no objections, all resolved to grant £950 to the Trust.
Action: The Clerk to ask the committee what the reason was for the increase in water.
The PCC have their AGM in May and will send their request and accounts after that.
Rochford Tower Hall Trust, thanked the Parish Council for grants and support in past years but feel that having received the Lincolnshire County Council grant they would not need further money this year.
c) Budget update & bank statement – To resolve as correct
On Proposal from Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Lenton and with no objections, all resolved to accept them as correct.
Action: The Clerk to email a copy to Councillor Taylor.
d) Allotment Rents
The Clerk informed the Members that the allotment agreement was written in 2001 and rents were invoiced twice a year, 6 months in arrears. 
It was decided to discuss this again once the Clerk has had allotment training via LALC, this is hope to be in November 2021.

8. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council. To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting.
a) B/21/0122 – Single storey side extensions to form 2 extra bedrooms and extend 1 bedroom at The Haven Residential Home, White House Lane, Fishtoft, PE21 0BE (Due 12/4).
There were no objections, to this application however a comment was made that it was getting slightly over developed.
b) B/21/0130 - Single storey rear extension to form dinner and annex bedroom accommodation at 30, Priory Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0RA (Due 17/4).
There were no objections, from those members that had not declared an interest.
c) B/21/0134 - Single storey extension & alterations at Willow Waters, Scalp Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0SQ (Due 19/4).
There were no objections, from those members that had not declared an interest.
Action: The Clerk would let the Borough planning department know the result of item 8 a,b & c.
d) Certificate of Lawfulness B/21/0048. 

Chairman: H Crawford
Date: 19 July 2021
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9. Clerk’s report on outstanding matters:
a) A16 speed calming (joint request with Sibsey Parish Council) – Update
There has been no update.
b) Junction of Rochford Tower Land, Priory Road an Eastwood Road, Fishtoft: Archers report 
The Clerk has not received information about this.
c) Waste bins
The Streetscene supervisor had stated she would check out the lay-by in Fishtoft Road.

10. Fix My Street:
a) Church Green Road, Footpath: Ref: 4153606
b) Wythes Lane/Priory Road junction: Ongoing flooding. Ref: 385112. Fixed
c) Shortfield Lane: Mud & damage to road surface. Ref: 385758
d) Woad Lane: Gouges, Potholes & flooding. Ref: 390639. Chased.
Only b has been fixed and it was mentioned that road works signage was still in the vicinity.
Action: The Clerk to report these signs to FixMyStreet.

11. Members reports and business:
a) Fishtoft 400 – Buoy
The buoy will need a concrete base to sit on. 
All agreed to accept the terms & conditions for owning the buoy.
Actions: The Clerk to find a company to quote for the construction of the base.
b) Fishtoft Fun Day
The members all agreed that the fun day would not be able to be held until September this year & they would review this situation later in the year.
c) Wooded area at Hobhole Pumping Station
Councillor Ordway to send information to the Clerk.

Councillor P. Skinner entered the meeting

d) Hybrid meeting trial & cost
 It was agreed that this could possibly be arranged for after 17 May if the Government road map does not change and if the halls open.
 The equipment needed would be a camera and the council’s laptop could be used.
 On proposal from Councillor Lenton, seconded by Councillor Taylor and with no objections, all resolved that a camera should be purchased, Councillor Ashley will do this.
e) Personnel sub-committee – To set a date
Monday 17 May 2021 was the date set for the Personnel Sub-Committee to meet for a staff appraisal.
The Clerk was asked to email her thoughts for the appraisal.
Actions: The Clerk would send the Personnel Sub-Committee a LALC staff appraisal form.

12. Correspondence received, Events & Reports:
a) Heritage Lottery
In May, an update will be needed, it was agreed that an extension to September would be asked for.
b) Website
Would need to be updated before the end of the month.
c) Review of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
The Clerk reminded all Members to update their DPIs if anything changes for them.
d) End of year 
The Clerk updated the Members of the end of year process.
The Internal Auditor was booked for the 30th April. 

Chairman: H Crawford
Date: 19 July 2021
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e) Training
The Clerk updated the members of training that was booked and also interest registered.
f) Local Authorities Treescapes Scheme
The Members are interested in this, if they can find the right area for trees.

13. Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum:
After discussions, it was concluded that as the Parish Council had written to the Borough planning department stating the view points of the residents and including further objections, from the members of the council that the members of the planning committee of Boston Borough council would receive these and so there would be no benefit in having someone for the Parish Council repeating what had already be listed

14. Reports from Boston Borough Council BBC & Lincolnshire County Council Members:
There is a new government green home grant which can be applied for from Boston Borough Council’s housing officer.
Test and trace payments of £500 have been extended to the 30 June 2021.
Cafés and restaurants can apply to the Borough to have pavement seats.

15. Next meeting:
It was discussed as to when to hold the May Annual Parish and Annual meeting of the Parish Council, so that it would still be under the government legislation, allowing virtual meetings.
On Proposal from Councillor P. Skinner, seconded by Councillor Williams and with no objections, all resolved to hold the two meetings on Wednesday 5 May, starting with the annual Parish meeting at 6.30pm and the Annual meeting of the Parish Council following on. Also, that the council should purchase an annual subscription to Zoom, via LALC

The meeting closed at 8:50pm

Chairman: H Crawford
Date: 17 July 2021

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