October 2021 Agenda
The meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council, will be held on Monday 11 October 2021 at the Playing Fields Pavilion, Fishtoft, starting at 7:00pm. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend
Mrs Victoria Clark
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tuesday, 05 October 2021
Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a public forum for a maximum of 10 minutes when members of the public may make short statements to the Council.
A maximum further 10 Minutes will be set aside for the meeting to receive reports from Lincolnshire Police and elected Members of Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council.
1. Chairman’s remarks:
2. Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
3. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
4. Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 13 September 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
5. Police report and matters: To receive reports from the police
6. Finance:
a) Payment of accounts
i. September Staff Costs: £571.80 (Estimated amount)
ii. TA Blackamore Ltd: October grass Maintenance: £1085.66
iii. Glenn Hislop: 23 August War memorial garden maintenance: £30.00
iv. PKF Littlejohn: External Audit: £240.00
v. Information Commissioner’s Office: Data Protection fee: Direct Debit (Previously approved) £35.00
b) Cash book and bank balance as of 30 September 2021
i. Bank balance: £70,283.96
ii. Cash Book: Sent to members
c) Read only banking: Paperwork for Members to sign
d) Savings account – Update
7. Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a) B/21/0406: 7/10 (Extn to 13/10): Proposed change of use and extension and alterations to existing holiday lets to form 1no. self contained annexe in connection with existing dwelling at Southfield Farm, Southfield Lane, Fishtoft, PE21 0SJ
b) B/21/0422: 11/10 (Extn to 13/10) Outline Application with all matters (Access Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) reserved for later approval for a proposed residential dwelling at Land Adjacent to 4 Priory Road, Fishtoft, Boston PE21 0RA
c) B/21/0440: 25/10 Replacement two storey dwelling and construction of new access and drive at Walnut Tree Farm, Tattershall Road, PE21 9NL
8. Clerk’s report and outstanding matters
a) Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) : Update and to discuss the LALC agreement
9. Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council
a) Church Green Road: Footpath. Ref: 4153606
b) Woad Lane: Gouges, potholes & flooding. Ref: 390639. 23 April – Update: Action scheduled
c) Eastwood Road Footpath: Reference 4164960
d) Freiston Road Footpath: Reference 4164961
e) Lamp out, Whitehouse Lane: Reference 404325 - BBC
f) Nettles encroaching onto footpath, Woodthorpe Avenue/Eastwood Road: Reference 404335 - BBC
10. Members reports and business
a) Queens Platinum Jubilee Fun Day Thursday 2 June 2022: Update
b) Fishtoft 400 Heritage lottery fund: To receive accounts and report
c) Clearing shrubs etc. near Hobhole pumping station: Update to include Treescape
d) Outside bodies:
i. School representative update
ii. Playing Fields Committee AGM 6/10/2021
e) Emergency Plan: Update
f) Website and social media: For discussion
g) Scalp road condition: Discussion and action
h) LALC First Aid Training: To discuss if needed
i) Gaysfield Road, highspeed vehicles including farm traffic: To discuss
j) Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum: To discuss why this has been taken off the agenda
11. Correspondence received, Events & Reports
a) Boston Grammar School Consultation: To discuss and consider a response
12. Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum
13. Next meeting: Monday 8 November at 7:00pm