10th July 2023 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of Fishtoft Parish Council meeting held Monday 10th July 2023 at The Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields, Fishtoft commencing at 7pm

PRESENT:     Councillor Helen Crawford presiding as Chairperson
                       Councillor Joff Williams presiding as Vice-Chairperson
                       Councillors Richard Lenton, Judy Skinner and Roly Ashley
                       Councillor Paul Skinner representing as Parish and Lincolnshire County Councillor

Fishtoft Parish Council Clerk – Sarah Knowles

There were two members of the public present of which the following questions/short statements were made during the time allocated.
•    When was the buoy going to be completed?  
The reply was that it will be a long process in getting this completed.  The community have worked hard during the past year on the mosaics that will be eventually fixed to the buoy, but to do this several matters need to be addressed. One job being the surface needs sandblasting and other matters that require professional help and this is going to be costly, therefore currently trying to obtain finance to do this along with other finishings that will be required to finally complete this project.

All three Boston Borough Councillors had sent their apologies due to having to attend a Full Council meeting of which they forwarded reports for the Parish Council’s information which had been circulated to the councillors.

The meeting opened at 7.09pm

1.     To consider any application for co-option to vacancies of Parish Councillors
One application had been received from a Mr Geoff Day.  After deliberation a proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was resolved to co-opt Mr Day onto Fishtoft Parish Council.  The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

2.    Chairman’s remarks
Armstrong as Councillor of the Year had been submitted of which an invitation to attend the award dinner had been recently received.

3.     Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Cllr Armstrong had sent her apologies of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reasons for not attending. Following proposal by Cllr Ashely, seconded by Cllr P Skinner and with no objections it was     resolved to accept the reasons for absence.

4.     Declarations of interest – (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 –     being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
No Declarations of Interest were received.

5.     Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th June 2023 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
After an amendment it was proposed by Cllr Crawford, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was     resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.

6.    Finance
a)    Payment of accounts to be approved


Reason for Payment


Payment method

TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (June 2023)


Online payment

Guardian Storage Ltd

PC Document Storage (July 2023)


Online payment

Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Online payment

H Vaughan

Internal Audit Fee


Online payment


1st Quarter of PAYE Charges


Online payment

S Knowles

Staff Costs


Online payment

Following proposal by Cllr Crawford, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.

b)     Additional payments to be approved after setting of the agenda
The following payments to be received were received following the setting of the agenda


Reason for Payment


Payment method

G Manning (Maintenance)

Rochford Tower Noticeboard Costs


Online payment

R Ashley

Rochford Tower Noticeboard Costs


Online payment

Boston Borough Council

2023 Parish Council Election Costs


Online payment

Following proposal by Cllr J Skinner, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was resolved that     these payments should be made.

c)     Payments & receipts: since 15th June 2023 - Appendix A
As per Appendix A three payments have been credited to the Treasury Account.


Reason for Payment


WT Taylor & Sons

Allotment Rent



VAT Rebate


Boston Borough Council

Warm Spaces Grant


d)     Balance of Treasury Account as of 30th June 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 30th June 2023 was £13,941.19.

e)     Balance of Savings Account as of 30th June 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 30th June 2023 was £61,033.78.

f)     Resolve to transfer grant money received on behalf of Fishtoft 400 Community Group
As per Appendix A, a Warm Spaces Grant had been received from Boston Borough Council on behalf of Fishtoft 400 Community Group and a request had been made to transfer these funds to their account.  Following p    roposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections it was resolved to transfer     this money.

7.     Planning matters - Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal     decisions advised by the Borough Council.  To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a)    B/23/0162 – Rear extension to provide a wet room and ground floor bedroom at 224 Wellington Road, Boston, PE23 0NY
There were no objections to this planning application.

b)     B/23/0198 – Statutory Pre-Application and Scoping Consultation to Boston Borough Council under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008 and the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations     2017 prior to the submission of an application for Phase 2 of the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind proposals to include both offshore and onshore infrastructure for a generating station and up to 93 wind turbines at     Outer Dowsing Offshore/Onshore, Lincolnshire Coast Line
BBC Cllr Sharpe had included in her report information relating from the latest Outer Dowsing Liaison     Community Group Meeting which explained their plans.  There were no objections to this planning  application. 

c)    B/23/0209 – Proposed single storey rear extension at 55 Clifton Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0QF
There were no objections to this planning application

d)    B/21/0441 – Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following Outline Approval B/17/0511 for residential development of up to 200 no. dwellings a Land South of Wainfleet Road, Boston, PE21 9RN
The following matters were conveyed during the meeting:
    Parking street scenes show that one vehicle will be parked behind each other which will provide a dilemma on who has priority with the belief that this procedure would be abandoned and cars will then park on the road side.
    What about parking for guests.  If these are on the roadside would the roads then be wide enough for any emergency vehicles that may need to get by?
    No mention of any House Association properties. 
    There are no Green amenities such as Solar Power Heating or Water capture.  BBC had revised planning relating to new developments should include things like this plus surely with these are  up to date features they would be an added selling feature. 
    A management plan needs to be in place
    Footpath is required considering this adjacent to two busy A roads, plus a filter lane would be beneficial into getting on to the development.
    The Wainfleet Road side there was no green area to step it off existing properties as there is at the back of the development

e)    B/23/0217 - Construction of two storey rear extension at Otterburn, Wainfleet Road, PE21 9RN 
There were no objections to this planning application

f)     Planning Reports and Information received including Planning Application decisions
Full planning permission has been granted to planning application B/23/0144 for a single storey extension to rear of garage and alternations to the existing garage including a pitched roof at 62, Pilleys Lane, Boston.

8.    Highway - To consider and make observations associated with Highways matters that are not associated with Appendix B
a)    Litter Bins – update

Another email had been received from a resident asking for additional litter bins in the parish.  BBC Cllr Sharpe had forwarded a report from the Streetscene Supervisor but it was believed that the queries and questions raised by the Parish Council into having additional litter bins in the Parish had not been completely answered.

b)    A16 to Sibsey
Cllr P Skinner relayed that this areas speed limit is under review.

Cllr Williams asked if there was a date when the results of this would be known? Cllr P Skinner replied     that this should be by the end of the year.
c)    Area outside bungalows, Woodthorpe Avenue – Grass not been maintained
This area has since been maintained.  Possibly part of the LCC Grass Maintenance Scheme.

d)    Additional Parish Grass Maintenance
At the time of the meeting there was no updated information.

e)    A52 Speed Limit reduction
Cllr P Skinner relayed that the speed limit with have to be reviewed and currently trying to get a Pelican Crossing in the area especially with the new development of the 200 properties in the area.

9.      Members reports and business
a)     Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station - Update from Councillor Ashley

There was not update information to be relayed.

b)     Fishtoft 400 Community Group- Any updates 
A following report had been forwarded by Cllr Armstrong which had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
    Cllr Armstrong relayed that she had attended a Funding Fair in Spalding on the 28th June. The NL Community Fund referred her to the NL Awards for All as we are looking for about £5000. The Lincolnshire Community Foundation were very interested but it seems they are in the process of reorganising how the funding applications are processed and granted. Therefore, left her details with them as they promised to send an application form as soon as the new contracts are in place.
    She has been investigating the cost of putting out flyers for the community group around Fishtoft.
    An Italian meal will be held on 15th August for a cost of £14 per head. Any profits will go to the Community Group.
    A Bus trip is to be organised for later in the year. Helen Staples and Margaret Ordway are investigating possible venues. The bus trip will be paid for from a donation from the Eleemosynary Charity in Fishtoft.
    The Thursday group has had to closed due to not being well attended.

c)    Fishtoft 400 Buoy – Any updates
A following report had been forwarded by Cllr Armstrong which had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
    The Parish Council are submitting an application to the Levelling up Funding through S&E Lincolnshire Councils of which Nick Jones of Transported will be assisting with this. Transported will put up £500 if the Parish Council will do the same.
    Cllr Armstrong relayed that she will look at the application for NL Awards for All and check the criteria before making an application and may also complete Spacehive app for the buoy.
    The seagulls have been mounted thanks to Cllr Williams

The Parish Council discussed the match funding with Transported of which a proposal by Cllr Williams seconded by Cllr J Skinner and with no objections it was resolved to match the funding.

d)    Outer Dowsing Liaison Community Group – update from Councillor P Skinner
Cllr P Skinner explained the three routes proposed by Outer Dowsing for the benefit of the new Parish     Councillor, of which Cllr Crawford also informed that the Parish Council did have an interest in this due     to owning a piece of land along one of the routes.

e)    Parish Council Website
Cllr Ashley relayed that the clerk is keeping the site up to date.

f)    Parish Council Noticeboards
Cllr Williams relayed that three of the noticeboards are refurbished and back in place with the remaining     one to be done soon.

g)    To consider having either a Parish Council Newsletter or Welcome to the Parish Newsletter
Cllr Crawford relayed that this is something that the Community Group are looking into dealing with this.

10.     Correspondence received, Events & Reports - To discuss any correspondence received including after setting of agenda
a)    Outer Dowsing

Matters associated with this had been discussed previously in the meeting.

b)    Litter Picking
In relation to the correspondence, it was believed that this was a good idea and something that would probably interest the Community Group therefore it was agreed to put the Parish Council’s name forward for this.

11.     Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council - To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B
It was relayed that the Mayor of Boston had been invited to attend a small gathering at the Fishtoft Memorial Site to the official unveiling of the the new plaque that had recently been erected.  Hopefully,  he will be able to see the actual condition of the road leading to the Memorial.  

Cllr P Skinner relayed that UK Shared Prosperity Fund had been applied for pre the recent Local Elections but there has been no response to this.

Cllr J Skinner relayed that the newly elected BBC Councillors should be made aware of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

It was believed that BBC Cllr Scoot in future should relay a personal interest when discussing issues relating to an incident along Frieston Road, such as the suggestion of traffic lights, Eastwood Road, Lindis Road,  Woodthorpe Avenue junction to avoid any conflicts or repercussions.

Cllr P Skinner relayed that Pilleys Lane has recently had several potholes patched and that the whole of this area on a future plan to be resurfaced.

12.     Dates for future confirmed meetings

Meeting date



Thursday 10th August 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 11th September 2023


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

The meeting closed at 8.06pm

The following report was then given by LCC P Skinner
    The works at the A16 roundabout has been causing controversy
    Several potholes in the Coastal Area have been filled in
    Has been able to sit on more Community Committees since he has no longer been a Boston Borough Councillor
    Childcare Services are to be awarded Outstanding again by Ofsted
    Lucy the Dragon has brought her friend with her this year to Lincoln Castle

Cllr Williams asked if the junction verges are soon to be cut as it seems they are late in doing it this year and they are becoming dangerous.  Cllr P Skinner replied that he will chase this as there seems to be several other areas that have been missed.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.15pm

Appendix A

Item 6c on agenda             



Payments made as approved at 15th June 2023 meeting





TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (April 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

Storage of PC Documents (May 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Additional payments made since 15th June 2023 meeting




St Guthlac's Church

Room Hire


Witham Fourth District IDB

Drainage Rates





Payments to be approved at 10th July 2023 meeting




TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (April 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

Storage of PC Documents (May 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


H Vaughan

Internal Auditor Fee



1st Quarter PAYE Charges


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Payments Received since 15th June 2023 meeting




WT Taylor & Sons

Allotment Rent



VAT Rebate



Warm Spaces Grant





Appendix B 
Item 11 on agenda            FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC

1    Tower/Priory/Eastwood    Archers Report                Waiting outcome
2    Sibsey Road    2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard        FMS    404599    Informed work be done when funds available
3    Whitehouse Lane    Lamp out        BBC    404325    Lamp number required
4    Church Green Road    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4153606    Proposal for works South Division – request update from LCC
5    Eastwood Road Footpath    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164960    As above
6    Freiston Road Footpath    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164961    As above
7    Church Green Road    Extension of path – Email     15/12/2021    LCC    4169782    Chase LCC for update
8    Scalp Road    Potholes & need for layby    Sep-21    LCC        13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
9    Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road Corner    Lamp out (No 13)        BBC    15830584    Fixed
10    Pilleys Lane    Blocked Drains        LCC    442737    Part of next scheduled work