15th June 2023 Resolved Minutes
Minutes of Fishtoft Parish Council meeting held Thursday 15th June 2023 at Rochford Tower Hall, Fishtoft commencing at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor Helen Crawford presiding as Chairperson
Councillor Joff Williams presiding as Vice-Chairperson
Councillors Elizabeth Armstrong, Richard Lenton, Judy Skinner and Roly Ashley
Councillor Paul Skinner representing as Parish and Lincolnshire County Councillor
Boston Borough Councillors David Scoot, Sarah Sharpe and Helen Staples
Fishtoft Parish Council Clerk – Sarah Knowles
There were no members of the public present to ask any questions or make any short statements during the time allocated.
The Chairperson welcomed the Borough Councillors to the meeting and asked if they had anything to report.
Boston Borough Councillor Staples reported:
As per the information provided by Councillor Paul Skinner relating to Scalp Road, Lincolnshire County Council will only maintain up to Haven House with the rest then being the responsibility of Boston Borough Council up to the Memorial Car Park. There are several potholes with this stretch of road of which all are quite dangerous and unsuitable for travelling. Additionally, have discovered that the area of Pilgrim Fathers Memorial is also no man’s land though is currently being maintained by the BBC.
Councillor J Skinner relayed that she had previously had a query relating to the trees within this area and had to contact The Crown.
Boston Borough Councillor Sharpe reported that she had been contacted relating to an area of grass near bungalows in Woodthorpe Avenue that had not been cut for quite some time. This information has been relayed to LCC but no response has been received to date.
Boston Borough Councillor Scoot conveyed that he has on several occasions contacted LCC relating to the A16/A52 as well as LCC Cllr Griggs regarding the road traffic accident in Freiston Road but to date he has not received any response.
Councillor P Skinner reported the following:
• A complaint had been sent to LCC that correspondence sent to Paul Skinner and Fishtoft had not been responded to, it did not say Fishtoft Ward. A SARs at LCC and BBC shows no emails were sent to the Member for Boston Coastal. He asked that any future correspondence sent to LCC directly or to a LCC Councillor regarding future issues that he could be copied in.
• The Lincolnshire Show will be taking place on the 21st and 22nd June 2023 where there will be a Meet your Councillor marquee.
• East Midlands Railway have reinstated services between Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.
• In association with Lincolnshire’s Festival of Rescue, UKRO will be challenging UKs top fire crews in Lincolnshire between 14th and 16th September.
• The first of two Levelling Up projects are underway to see major improvements to Marsh Lane roundabout to reduce congestion on the A16, improve safety and future-proof the roundabout for any A16 upgrades planned down the line.
• The Usher Gallery’s new exhibition of eclectic display of Lincolnshire artwork opened on Saturday 10th June 2023.
• Dog friendly days have been announced for visitors to be allowed to explore Lincoln Castle with their four-legged friend.
• Grass verges across the county are being cut.
• Cast Iron thefts have been reported with road drains in Wrangle being one of the incidents
• Pilleys Lane is in the budget to be resurface during 2024/25
The meeting opened at 7.27pm
1. Chairman’s remarks
Councillor Crawford welcomed everyone to the meeting,
2. Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
All Parish Councillors were in attendance.
3. Declarations of interest – (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
No Declarations of Interest were received.
4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th May 2023 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
After an amendment it was proposed by Cllr Crawford, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.
5. Finance
a) Payment of accounts to be approved
Payee |
Reason for Payment |
Amount |
Payment method |
TA Blackamore Ltd |
Ground Maintenance (May 2023) |
£1185.60 |
Online payment |
Guardian Storage Ltd |
PC Document Storage (June 2023) |
£60.00 |
Online payment |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Printer Ink |
£5.62 |
Online payment |
S Knowles |
Staff Costs |
£379.57 |
Online payment |
Following proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.
b) Additional payments to be approved after setting of the agenda
The following payments to be received were received following the setting of the agenda
Payee |
Reason for Payment |
Amount |
Payment method |
St Guthlac’s Church |
Room Hire in May |
£25.00 |
Online payment |
Witham Fourth District IDB |
Drainage Rates |
£246.82 |
Online payment |
Following proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.
c) Payments & receipts: since 15th May 2023 - Appendix A
As per Appendix A one payment of £1407.41 has been made to Fishtoft 400
d) Balance of Treasury Account as of 31st May 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st March 2023 was £12012.52.
e) Balance of Savings Account as of 31st May 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st March 2023 was £60996.16
f) Review Parish Council Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations were reviewed by the Parish Council of which it was established that amendments were need to be made. Following proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections it was resolved that these amendments should be made.
6. Planning matters - Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council. To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a) Naming of Toot Lane
Street names had been put forward for the development off Toot Lane. Following discussion there were no objections.
b) B/23/0170 – Removal of current buildings and construction of a lightweight steel building at Boston College Rochford Campus, Skirbeck Road, Boston, PE21 6JF
There were no objections to this planning application.
c) B/23/0181 – Erection of 6 no. dwellings including garages and access road to Former campsite adj. to The Grange, Church Green Road, Fishtoft, Boston, PE21 0QY
There were no objections to this planning application as believed this was good use of land with not much impact, though there were concerns that this planning application is outside the South East Lincs Local Plan. However, the Parish Council thought that the following considerations relating to this planning would like to be contemplated when being reviewed by the Planning Department and Committee.
i) The development be environmentally friendly to include water recycling and solar panels.
ii) Concur with Highways there should be a pavement, ideally both sides of the road especially up to the village so that residents are able to get to the relevant amenities safely particularly the primary schools as it is not fully sustainable as there are no fixed bus stops within this area.
iii) That an observation be put forward to Highways that the speed limit within this area be reviewed with the suggestion of it being dropped from the current 60mph to a maximum of 40mph.
iv) Concern with the removal of trees therefore would like to see new vegetation planted in the development to replace those removed.
One additional Planning application had been received since the setting of the agenda - B/23/0203 - Change of use from existing barn and office space into 1no. dwelling at 78, Pilleys Lane, Boston, PE21 9RB. There was no objection.
d) Planning Reports and Information received including Planning Application decisions
There were no Planning Reports or Information to be relayed to the Parish Council.
7. Highway - To consider and make observations associated with Highways matters that are not associated with Appendix B
a) Litter Bins – update
Email had been received from BBC Cllr Sharpe which had been circulated to the Parish Councillors. There was confusion as to why the Skirbeck area was being reviewed. Cllr Sharpe informed that all the Boston area was being assessed. The Parish Council relayed that a review within Fishtoft would be much appreciated and asked if there was a timespan on when the data and the results from this will be known especially as residents had requested additional bins within the parish? Cllr Sharpe said she would ask. The Parish Council also asked if Cllr Sharpe could also obtain whether there were still any refurbished bins available and the cost of these if they were?
b) A16 to Sibsey
At present there was no update on having the speed limit reduced in the requested area.
Cllr P Skinner relayed that the 50mph section has been reduced to 40mph and is currently requesting that the 40mph outside the Pilgrim Hospital be reduced to 30mph.
Cllr Williams questioned why the criteria is not being met when this is different in other County Council Districts.
Cllr Lenton asked who determines the results? Cllr P Skinner replied that this is done from studying the traffic and relevant information but it is down to policy on the final result.
Cllr P Skinner also conveyed that he has recommended a Pelican Crossing near to the Burton on the A52 and to lowering the speed limits within this area.
c) Grass Maintenance
Grass maintenance in the area has not helped following the National Scheme “No Mow May” even though this was not compulsory.
It was determined that a meeting was required with the contractor to evaluate the work and rectify issues.
8. Members reports and business
a) Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station - Update from Councillor Ashley
There was not update information to be relayed.
b) Fishtoft 400 Community Group- Any updates
Cllr Armstrong informed that the organisers of the group have set up independently and now have their own bank account which would aid in managing the group. She went on to relay that there is a Space Hive Crowd Funding website up and running to raise funds for the group.
Numbers to the Tuesday session are fairly static with between 30 and 40 regulars.
One of the members is going to provide an Italian Lunch at a future session.
Unfortunately, the Thursday session at St Guthlac’s Church is not as successful and therefore are looking at finalising this one.
Cllr Lenton relayed that this is a good project for the parish and is really making a big difference to the people.
c) Fishtoft 400 Buoy – Any updates
Cllr Armstrong said it is understood that Nick Jones from Boston Borough Council will not accept funding applications less that £5000. Therefore, is going to cost up the work that needs to be done in order to complete the project, in the mean time will continue to look for other funding.
d) Outer Dowsing Liaison Community Group – update from Councillor P Skinner
Several consultations are being undertaken between all the three routes being considered.
He relayed that he had been contacted by several residents of Fishtoft following correspondence they had received from Outer Dowsing with concerns that if the route goes through the parish that they would compulsorily purchase their property which will mean they will be without a home, this is because the first consultation letter was not worded properly.
e) Parish Council Website
Cllr Ashley relayed that the clerk is updating the site, though asked if a couple of bits could be changed.
f) Parish Council Noticeboards
Cllr Ashley relayed that the new noticeboard sited at Rochford Tower has been erected into place.
The Parish Councillors thanked Cllr Williams for his sterling hard work he had done in refurbishing the other noticeboards so far.
g) Allotments within the Parish
Notification has been received from one of the tenants asking to relinquish his plot. It was agreed to inform him that his tenancy would end on 30th June 2023.
9. Correspondence received, Events & Reports - To discuss any correspondence received including after setting of agenda
Only correspondence that had been received was from Outer Dowsing. Matters associated with this was discussed earlier in the meeting.
10. Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council - To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B
Cllr P Skinner relayed that he will chase Items 4-6 on Appendix B.
The clerk was asked to chase item 7 on Appendix B.
11. Dates for future confirmed meetings
Meeting date |
Commencing |
Location |
Monday 10th July 2023 |
7.00pm |
Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields |
Thursday 10th August 2023 |
7:00pm |
Rochford Tower Hall |
There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.29pm
Appendix A
Item 6c on agenda
Payments made as approved at 15th May 2023 meeting
Payee |
Service |
Amount |
TA Blackamore Ltd |
Ground Maintenance (April 2023) |
1185.60 |
Guardian Storage Ltd |
Storage of PC Documents (May 2023) |
60.00 |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Printer Ink |
9.87 |
Fishtoft Playing Field |
Approved Grant |
950.00 |
H Crawford |
Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group |
20.00 |
E Armstrong |
Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group |
77.04 |
E Armstrong |
Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Buoy |
121.07 |
S Knowles |
Staff Costs |
335.66 |
2759.24 |
Additional payments made since 15th May 2023 meeting
Payer |
Service |
Amount |
Fishtoft 400 |
Transfer of funds due to being now an independent group |
1407.41 |
1407.41 |
Payments to be approved at 15th June 2023 meeting
Payee |
Service |
Amount |
TA Blackamore Ltd |
Ground Maintenance (April 2023) |
1185.60 |
Guardian Storage Ltd |
Storage of PC Documents (May 2023) |
60.00 |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Printer Ink |
5.62 |
S Knowles |
Staff Costs |
379.57 |
1630.79 |
Additional payments approved at 15th June 2023 meeting
Payer |
Service |
Amount |
St Guthlac's Church |
Room Hire |
25.00 |
Witham Fourth District IDB |
Drainage Rates |
246.82 |
271.82 |
Payments Received
Payer |
Service |
Amount |
Running Imp |
Reimbursement for breakages of Memorabilia |
8.86 |
8.86 |
Appendix B
Item 11 on agenda FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC
1 Tower/Priory/Eastwood Archers Report Waiting outcome
2 Sibsey Road 2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard FMS 404599 Informed work be done when funds available
3 Whitehouse Lane Lamp out BBC 404325 Lamp number required
4 Church Green Road Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4153606 Proposal for works South Division – request update from LCC
5 Eastwood Road Footpath Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4164960 As above
6 Freiston Road Footpath Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4164961 As above
7 Church Green Road Extension of path – Email 15/12/2021 LCC 4169782 Chase LCC for update
8 Scalp Road Potholes & need for layby Sep-21 LCC 13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
9 Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road Corner Lamp out (No 13) BBC 15830584 Fixed
10 Pilleys Lane Blocked Drains LCC 442737 Part of next scheduled works