13th April 2023 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of Fishtoft Parish Council meeting held Thursday 13th April 2023 at Rochford Tower Hall, Fishtoft commencing at 7pm


Councillor Helen Crawford presiding as Chairperson
Councillor Joff Williams presiding as Vice-Chairperson
Councillors Elizabeth Armstrong, Richard Lenton, Margaret Ordway and Roly Ashley
Councillor Judy Skinner representing as Parish and Boston Borough Councillor
Councillor Paul Skinner representing as Parish, Boston Borough and Lincolnshire County Councillor

Boston Borough Councillor Jonathon Noble 
Fishtoft Parish Council Clerk – Sarah Knowles

There were no members of the public present to ask any questions or make any short statements during the time allocated.

Cllr P Skinner reported the following as both Boston Borough Councillor and Lincolnshire County Councillor:
•    Potholes in both Rochford Tower Lane and Fishtoft Road have been repaired due to notification received from Fix my Street.
•    Several aspects associated with speeding was discussed e.g. In Leverton there are signage on gates saying “Village Drive Slow”, which maybe something to consider to be sited somewhere in the parish.

Cllr J Noble reported the following as both Boston Borough Councillor:
•    There are free ladies’ self-defence classes being held at the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex
•    By agreement with the Showman’s Guild the 2023 May Fair has been extended by two extra days from 29th April -8th May 2023.
•    A resident has contacted Councillor Noble requesting litter bins either end of Blackthorn Lane.
•    Any queries relating to Council Tax can be sent to Revs@boston.gov.uk
•    There is a Georgian Day taking place at Fydell House on 13th May 2023
•    Whilst out campaigning a water leak within Eastwood Road was discovered.  This was reported to Anglian Water but was told it was a Highways matter.  This issue has since been rectified.
•    Boston Borough Council have a Carnival in the Town Park taking place on Saturday 6th May 2023 in association with the King’s Coronation between 10am-2pm

Cllr J Skinner reported the following as both Boston Borough Councillor:
•    At the last Environment & Performance Committee a partial report relating to Transport within the area e.g., Buses, cycles etc was conveyed.  More evidence would be required to be gathered which will be assessed in the newly formed Borough Council following the elections where a report will be generated to forward to Lincolnshire County Council.

The meeting opened at 7.23pm

1.     Chairman’s remarks
Councillor Crawford welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Councillor Ordway for her time and service over the past 28 years as Parish Councillor and which was much appreciated.

2.     Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
All Parish Councillors were in attendance.

3.     Declarations of interest – (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
Councillor P Skinner declared an interest to Item 7 on the agenda.
Councillor Lenton declared an interest to Item 6h on the agenda.

4.     Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th March 2023 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
After an amendment it was proposed by Cllr Crawford, seconded by Cllr P Skinner and with no objections it was resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.

5.    Footway Lighting in Parish
This item was deferred to the next meeting.

6.    Finance
a) Payment of accounts to be approved


Reason for Payment


Payment method

TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (Mar 2023)


Online payment

Guardian Storage Ltd

PC Document Storage (Apr 2023)


Online payment

Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Online payment

Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement for Elections, Engagement and Problem Solving LALC non ATS Training Course


Online payment


PAYE - Income Tax (Jan-Mar 2023)


Online payment

Fishtoft Playing Field

2022 Room Hire


Online payment

S Knowles

Staff Costs


Online payment

Following proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.

b) Additional payments to be approved after setting of the agenda
A payment of £837.03 has been paid to Running Imp Ltd in association with Coronation Mugs and Medals to be given to the pupils of the two Primary Schools within the parish.

c) Payments & receipts: since 16th March 2023 - Appendix A
Other than the payment made in Item 6b only payments recorded in the 16th March 2023 minutes and as per Appendix A were made.

d) Balance of Treasury Account as of 31st March 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st March 2023 was £4709.54.

e) Balance of Savings Account as of 31st March 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st March 2023 was £57926.55.

f)    Review Parish Council Financial Regulations
This item was deferred to the next meeting.

g)    End of Year Accounts
Detailed accounts for 2022/2023 was circulated to the councillors showing all financial aspects during the year associated with the Parish Council.

h)    Grant/Donation request from Fishtoft Playing Fields Trust
A request had been received from the Fishtoft Playing Fields Trust for the amount of £950 to aid towards the ground maintenance.

After discussion it was thereby proposed by Cllr Armstrong, seconded by Cllr Williams, with Cllr Lenton abstaining and resolved that the grant should be awarded.

7.     Planning matters - Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.  To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a)     B/23/0110 – Proposed extension to form addition general storage space – Boston Bowl, Rochford Tower Lane, Fishtoft, PE21 9RH
There were no objections to this planning application.

b)     Planning Reports and Information received including Planning Application decisions
Full planning permission has been granted for a single storey extension to kitchen including alterations at The Ball House, Wainfleet Road, Boston, PE21 9RL

8.    Highway - To consider and make observations associated with Highways matters that are not associated with Appendix B
a)    Litter Bins – Blackthorn Lane
Cllr J Skinner relayed that she had been contacted by a resident asking if any litter bins could be situated both ends of Blackthorn Lane.  Following discussion, it was believed that litter bins within Woodthorpe Avenue and Alcorn Green would also be beneficial.  The clerk was asked to contact the Borough Council to see if they are able to comply with this.

9.      Members reports and business
a)     Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station
- Update from Councillor Ordway
This item was deferred until the next meeting as no response has been received from emails to HMPS representative, clerk was asked to chase this.

b)     Fishtoft 400/Buoy - Any updates including applying for Warm Hub fund
Cllr Armstrong asked if the letter she had drafted in relation to the Fishtoft 400 plaque in the Pilgrim Father’s Memorial car park had been sent.  The clerk confirmed this.

Been waiting for a meeting with Jamie Hawker relating to the buoy to enable to move forward.
The Fishtoft 400 Community Group is working well and is thriving of which a day trip out to Baumber Gardens with several of the attendees recently took place.

The group are looking at funding double doors to Rochford Tower Hall to aid with easier access into the building.

Cllr Lenton relayed that this is working well because of those involved especially associated with the arts and crafts which without this he doesn’t think it would succeed.

c)    Outer Dowsing Liaison Community Group – update from Councillor Ashley
The next meeting is scheduled for 28th April 2023 of which Cllr Ashley relayed that he will not be able to attend, however, Cllr J Skinner said that she is hoping to be able to.  No decision has been made at present in relation to connecting with the National Grid at Alford.  It is believed that once a decision is made that there will be Community Group funding available.

d)    Parish Council Website
Cllr Ashley relayed that the clerk has updated the site and will try to keep this up to date as much as possible.

e)    Parish Council Noticeboards
Cllr Ashley relayed that the new noticeboard to be sited at Rochford Tower has been delivered but still needs to be erected into place.  

Cllr Williams conveyed that the other noticeboards will be refurbished once the weather is more amicable.  Though feels that it would be best by removing the doors and taken to his workshop to do a more successful refurbish job.

f)    Coronation of King Charles III - update
The clerk informed that the memorabilia has been ordered and should be delivered in adequate time to be given to the relevant primary schools prior to the Coronation Day. 

10.     Correspondence received, Events & Reports - To discuss any correspondence received including after setting of agenda
No correspondence had been received.

11.     Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council - To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B
It was relayed that the streetlights owned by Boston Borough Council could not be added to Fix My Street when there was an issue on those associated with Lincolnshire County Council.  Cllr P Skinner said he would look into this and report back at the next meeting.

It was also conveyed that Item 9 on Appendix B had been fixed.

12.     Dates for future confirmed meetings

Meeting date



Monday 15th May 2023

6.00pm – Annual Parish Meeting

St Guthlac’s Church

Monday 15th May 2023

7.00pm – Annual Parish Council Meeting

St Guthlac’s Church

13.    Set dates for future 2023/2024 Parish Council meetings
The clerk circulated the following dates for the remaining 2023 Parish Council meetings and first third of 2024 which were confirmed.

Thursday 15th June 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 10th July 2023


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 10th August 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 11th September 2023


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 12th October 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 13th November 2023


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 14th December 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 15th January 2024


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 15th February 2024


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 11th March 2024


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 11th April 2024


Rochford Tower Hall

There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.17pm

Appendix A

Item 6c on agenda        


Payments made as approved on 16th March 2023 meeting




TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (Feb 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

PC Document Storage (March 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink



Annual Training Scheme


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Warm Spaces


Rochford Tower Hall

Room Hire for Fishtoft 400/Warm Spaces


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Payments to be approved




TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (March 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

Storage of PC Documents (April 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement for Elections, Engagement and Problem Solving - LALC Course (not inc. ATS)



PAYE - Income Tax (Jan-Mar 2023)


Fishtoft Playing Field

2022 Room Hire


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Payments Received




Western Power






Appendix B 
Item 11 on agenda            FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC

No.    AREA                                                               ISSUE    DATE    HOW    REF    OUTCOME
1    Tower/Priory/Eastwood                                        Archers Report                            Waiting outcome
2    Sibsey Road                                                        2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard        FMS    404599    Informed work be done when funds available
3    Whitehouse Lane                                                Lamp out        BBC    404325    Lamp number required
4    Church Green Road                                            Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4153606    Proposal for works South Division – request update from LCC
5    Eastwood Road Footpath                                    Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164960    As above
6    Freiston Road Footpath                                       Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164961    As above
7    Church Green Road                                            Extension of path – Email     15/12/2021    LCC    4169782    Chase LCC for update
8    Scalp Road                                                          Potholes & need for layby    Sep-21    LCC        13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
9    Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road Corner          Lamp out (No 13)        BBC    15830584    Fixed
10    Pilleys Lane                                                       Blocked Drains        LCC    442737    Part of next scheduled works