13th November 2023 Resolved Minutes
Minutes of Fishtoft Parish Council meeting held Monday 13th November 2023 at The Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields, Fishtoft commencing at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor Joff Williams presiding as Chairperson
Councillors Elizabeth Armstrong, Richard Lenton, Judy Skinner, Roly Ashley, Geoff Day and Lucy Webb
Councillor Paul Skinner representing as Parish and Lincolnshire County Councillor
Fishtoft Parish Council Clerk – Sarah Knowles
There were four members of the public present of which the following questions or short statements were made during the time allocated.
• Queries were raised by a resident in relation to planning application B/23/0379 - Land to the East of Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, Boston PE21 0SF - Proposed residential development of 89 dwellings and associated infrastructure, drainage and open space.
The application supersedes the original outline planning application that had previously been granted of 46 dwellings, with the main concern other than increase of extra vehicles to the area is the flooding. The land is higher than the properties of Gaysfield Road, and with the recent Storm Babet it has already caused damaged to the adjacent properties land.
All three Boston Borough Councillors had sent their apologies as they had to attend a Full Council meeting of which they all forwarded individual reports for the Parish Councils information.
LCC Cllr P Skinner relayed the following information:
• From 31st October 2023, visitors to the LCC website will see an option to ‘Ask Impy’ and thereby speak with a digital assistant which will be able to answer simple routine queries through the website, focusing on answering questions and giving advice for things like recycling, opening times of venues, applying for a blue badge, or reporting a pothole.
‘Ask Impy’ is not designed to deal with safeguarding concerns or take reports of emergencies. Anyone trying to chat to ‘Impy’ about these topics will be advised to call for further support.
By guiding website users to find information about LCC services, it can reduce the number of routine enquiries that come through the Customer Service Centre. Therefore, freeing up time to support more vulnerable residents, and deal with more sensitive enquiries.
As LCC provide such a wide range of services to residents, ‘Impy’ won’t be able to answer every question in the beginning. Though the LCC can develop ‘Impy’s knowledge further.
• LCC Highways teams continue to fix potholes and streetlights.
• LCC submitted a bid to central government under the Levelling Up Fund Projects (LUF) initiative, which consisted of the following projects:
• A16/A151 Springfield roundabout capacity improvement
• A16 Greencell roundabout (Spalding Power Station) capacity improvement
• A16 Marsh Lane Roundabout
• Boston Active travel scheme
• Spalding Active travel scheme
In October 2021 it was announced that the bid had been successful. Since the announcement the projects have progressed through detailed design with some on site or nearing that stage.
The Marsh Lane Roundabout and Boston Active Travel projects are progressing well. Most of the works are complete with the final roundabout works and carriageway reconstruction remaining. The works remain on target for completion at the end of 2023.
Works at Springfield Roundabout have commenced with the initial phase being to remove the
roundabout slitter islands, which are being done at night. Following this the contractor will focus predominantly on the southwest quadrant, with the vast majority of works being completed with just lane reductions and not using temporary traffic lights. Works are expected to be complete Autumn 2024.
Greencell Roundabout continues through detailed design as per the programme, which aligns
with a July 2024 start date.
Phase 1 for the Spalding Active Travel scheme on the A151 is complete. Detailed design progress for phase 2, which requires approvals from the Environment Agency.
• The Lincolnshire County Council Highway Service is planning to deliver another programme of Social Value Volunteering Days and is now ready to receive further nominations for 2024/2025 (to be started in Spring/Summer of 2024).
The Highway Service secured commitments from its strategic partners as part of the procurement exercise that commenced delivery in April 2020. The strategic partners are:
o Delivery Highway works
o Professional Services Partner
o Delivery of Traffic Signals
Each partner has offered volunteering days for staff to deliver projects that support and improve the local community in addition to the normal delivery of the Highway Service.
Some recent works that had been requested/delivered as part of this programme in 2022 and 2023 includes the following: -
• Improvements to church gardens.
• Painting parish benches and bus stops.
• Erection of community signs and playpark fencing funded by Parish Council.
• Play areas – painting of play park equipment.
• New link accessibility footways on garden/ meadow for wheelchair users.
The works offered are limited to one- or two-days’ work on site and should be works that can be carried out by all Partners staff including office staff. The works offered do not include any new lengths of highway network or large surfacing schemes (e.g., new footways on the highway) or any works that would usually be carried out as part of normal Highway’s maintenance programmes. Example of skills/activities considered are Painting / Cleaning – e.g., fences/play park equipment. Repairs to, or erecting, timber fencing. Small DIY jobs (shelving, decorating etc). General Landscaping / Planting - including design support. Vegetation clearance. Beck clearance. Construct small areas of footways off highway – e.g., parks/meadows/community spaces. Tarmac/hard standing repairs or extension including design support (small areas only). Gravelled areas. Slab laying. Minor concrete repairs. Litter picking / general tidying. Information boards/sign installations.
The offer of staff time is available for the life of the contracts, viable projects will be programmed for delivery based on need and perceived impact to the local community based on the initial information provided. Each County Councillor can nominate one potential scheme within their ward.
• Several areas across Lincolnshire were severely affected after Storm Babet brought over a month’s worth of rain to the county in a 24-hour period. LCC Highways service and Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue received an unprecedented number of emergency call-outs, and worked alongside other agencies to provide a rapid response as the waters rose.
Tragically, communities in every district had been impacted in one way or another. As flood waters subside, a review will be carried out into every instance of serious flooding to see what can be done to further protect properties and businesses. The Environment Agency will also be investigating the flooding in Horncastle specifically, after the flood alleviation scheme there did not work as it needed to.
The Government announced a tax relief and grant funding is to be made available for flood-hit homes and businesses of which LCC are expecting further information on how to apply for that soon. Some road closures are still in effect across the county and flood warnings remain in place in some areas.
A number of Section 19s have been raised at this point in excess of 500 (relating to flooded properties). Personally, supporting the Parishes in my County Ward by escalating enquiries to the Flood and Water Partnership, it is a complex area and Lincolnshire does this well. As a past Chairman of Flood and Water even the near misses are recorded and acted upon.
120 mm of rain fell on the Friday of the storm. Witham Forth at the Hobhole had all the pumps working 3 Deisel plus 3 Electric the excess water from the Highland Carriers equated to £10k extra per day.
• As part of my LCC duties it was my pleasure to attend the Leverton Fire Station Inspection and the Fire Service awards ceremony at Lincoln.
• I will continue my work representing the County and the Ward siting on Five Scrutiny Committees and two Outside Regulatory Bodies.
Cllr Williams conveyed that he had not been contacted or there was any lead following Storm Babet associated with the Emergency Plan.
The meeting opened at 7.42pm
1. To consider any application for co-option to vacancies of Parish Councillors
One application had been received from Christopher Moore. After deliberation a proposal by Cllr Ashley, seconded by Cllr Webb and with no objections it was resolved to co-opt Mr Moore onto Fishtoft Parish Council. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.
2. Chairman’s remarks
Councillor William welcomed all to the meeting and relayed on the importance and reasoning of Remembrance Sunday that had just taken place
3. Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Cllr Crawford had sent her apologies of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reasons for not attending. Following proposal by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved to accept the reason for absence.
4. Declarations of interest – (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
Cllr Ashley declared a non-pecuniary in Item 7 on the agenda considering being a resident within Gaysfield Road.
5. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th October 2023 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
It was proposed by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.
6. Finance
a) Payment of accounts to be approved
Payee |
Reason for Payment |
Amount |
Payment method |
TA Blackamore Ltd |
Ground Maintenance (Oct 2023) |
£1185.60 |
Online payment |
Guardian Storage Ltd |
PC Document Storage (Nov 2023) |
£60.00 |
Online payment |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Printer Ink |
£5.62 |
Online payment |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement for Remembrance Sunday Wreath |
£24.99 |
Online payment |
St Guthlac’s Church |
Approved donation |
£750.00 |
Online payment |
G Hislop |
War Memorial Ground Maintenance |
£30.00 |
Online payment |
S Knowles |
Staff Costs (Oct 2023) |
£332.11 |
Online payment |
Following proposal by Cllr Ashley, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.
b) Additional payments to be approved after setting of the agenda
Notification had been received from NALC/LALC that the NJC Pay Scales associated with the clerk’s salary have been determined for 2023/2024 of which they recommend that this should be implemented as soon as possible. Therefore, in relation to this, the clerk’s backpay of salary is £213. Following proposal by Cllr Armstrong, seconded by Cllr P Skinner and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.
c) Payments & receipts: since 12th October 2023 - Appendix A
One payment had been made by WT Taylor for £148.31 in association with Allotment Rent.
d) Balance of Treasury Account as of 31st October 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st October 2023 was £27,179.21.
e) Balance of Savings Account as of 30th September 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 30th September 2023 was £61,177.53.
f) Balance of Savings Account as of 31st October 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 31st October 2023 was £61,233.85.
g) Consideration to add the Pilgrim Father’s Memorial Plaque to the Parish Council’s Insurance
Back in September 2021 the plaque costs £1100 to be made. It was proposed by Cllr P Skinner, seconded by Cllr Day that once the plaque was put back into place that this should be added to the Parish Council’s Insurance.
7. Planning matters - Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council. To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a) B/23/0360 - Application under Section 73 for the removal of Condition C3 (Agricultural Habitation Clause) following grant of permission B9/0643/73 (Erection of a bungalow, garage and vehicular access) at The Magnolias, Priory Road, Fishtoft, Boston PE21 0RB
There were no objections to this planning application.
b) B/23/0364 - Demolition of the existing conservatory and proposed two storey rear extension, partial conversion of a garage into a utility room and internal alterations at 190, Eastwood Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0PP
There were no objections to this planning application.
c) B/23/0367 - First floor and single storey extension to rear of property at 16 Pilleys Lane, Boston PE21 9RB
There were no objections to this planning application.
d) B/23/0198 - Statutory Pre-Application and Scoping Consultation to Boston Borough Council under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008 and the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 prior to the submission of an application for Phase 2 of the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind proposals to include both offshore and onshore infrastructure for a generating station and up to 93 wind turbines at Outer Dowsing Offshore/Onshore, Lincolnshire Coast Line
The route has now been decided. Being of National Infrastructure this is a statutory consultation. Queries have been raised into what the limitation of crops being grown along the determined route as different opinions between the farmers and companies had been given.
One additional planning application has been received since posting of the agenda - B/23/0379 - Land to the East of Gaysfield Road, Fishtoft, Boston PE21 0SF - Proposed residential development of 89 dwellings and associated infrastructure, drainage and open space
This application had only been received the day of the meeting therefore was asked to see if an extension could be given to allow this to be evaluated to give a formal consultation response. The application had been discussed earlier in the meeting during the Public Forum of which the housing density and loss of amenities were deliberated.
It was also determined that because of the extent of the application that this should also be called in to committee by a Borough Councillor.
e) Planning Reports and Information received including Planning Application decisions
The following applications have been given full planning permission:
• B/23/0232 – Conversion of existing garage/outbuilding into ancillary residential annexe at Sunset View, Tattershall Road, Boston, PE21 9NH
• B/23/0290 – Erection of new HV sub-station to support the development of the new Emergency Department at Pilgrim Hospital, Sibsey Road, Boston, PE21 9QS
• B/23/0240 – Proposed two storey front and rear extensions at 33, Pilleys Lane, Boston, PE21 9RA
• B/23/0371 – Retention of static caravan as a dwelling for a temporary period of 3 years at Oak Farm, Cut End Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0SN
• B/23/0298 – Installation of a Juliet balcony to front bedroom window following replacement with French windows at 22 Eastwood Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0PH
8. Highway - To consider and make observations associated with Highways matters that are not associated with Appendix B
a) Litter Bins – update
A litter bin in Woodthorpe Avenue has now been installed.
The dog bin that was originally sited at Rochford Tower Lane before it disappeared can be replaced on the existing post for £201.23. However, if the current post is not suitable the total cost of replacement post, labour and bin is £283.53.
After discussion and following proposal by Cllr Armstrong, seconded by Cllr P Skinner and with no objections it was resolved that to go ahead with replacing the bin.
b) A16 to Sibsey
This matter is ongoing with no update information to convey.
c) A52 Speed Limit reduction
This matter is ongoing with no update information to convey.
d) Fogarty layby corner (Fishtoft Road) to take on ownership so the parking restrictions can be put in place
Cllr P Skinner relayed that he is due to have a site visit with a Senior Highways Officer.
e) Street Lights repairs/renewals
After discussion the Parish Council decided that they do not want to go with running repairs put forward but stand by their original decision for the whole change over as although this would be a large outlay of expenditure to begin with, it should be beneficial financially ongoing with the running costs.
9. Members reports and business
a) Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station - Update from Councillor Ashley
Cllr Ashely relayed that due to the weather the working group from North Sea Camp were unable to currently work at the site.
b) Fishtoft 400 Community Group- Any updates
Cllr Armstrong reported the following:
The group now has its own website
Have made a grant application to National Grid for £2000, waiting decision.
They have been informed that they can reapply for this year’s Warm Spaces funding.
The Community Group’s AGM is scheduled for 5th December 2023.
c) Fishtoft 400 Buoy – Any updates
Cllr Armstrong relayed the following:
• £3335 funding has been agreed to aid with completing the work on the buoy.
• Waiting for updated information relating to the match funding from Transported.
d) Outer Dowsing Liaison Community Group – update from Councillor P Skinner
No further information to report at present.
e) Parish Council Website
Cllr Ashley relayed that the site is okay.
f) To adopt Co-option to Parish Council Policy
A draft of the policy had been circulated to the Parish Councillors. Following proposal by Cllr J Skinner, seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections it was resolved that to adopt this policy.
10. Correspondence received, Events & Reports - To discuss any correspondence received including after setting of agenda
The following correspondence has been received:
• Email received from resident re Fishtoft Green
Information circulated to Borough Councillors and other bodies
• Police Survey
This has been circulated to Parish Councillors to complete
• Invite to Online Discussion with Police & Crime Commissioner
The councillors thought that the Chairperson would be best representative to attend the discussion.
11. Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council - To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B
There was no update or information discussed.
12. Dates for future confirmed meetings
Meeting date |
Commencing |
Location |
Thursday 14th December 2023 |
7:00pm |
Rochford Tower Hall |
Monday 15th January 2024 |
7:00pm |
Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields |
The meeting closed at 8.46pm
Appendix A
Item 6c on agenda
Payments approved at 13th November 2023 meeting
Payee |
Service |
Amount |
TA Blackamore Ltd |
Ground Maintenance (Oct 2023) |
1185.60 |
Guardian Storage Ltd |
Storage of PC Documents (Nov 2023) |
60.00 |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Printer Ink |
5.62 |
Sibsey Parish Council |
Reimbursement of Remembrance Sunday Wreath |
24.99 |
St Guthlac's Church |
Approved Donation |
750.00 |
G Hislop |
War Memorial Ground Maintenance |
30.00 |
S Knowles |
Staff Costs (Oct 2023) |
332.11 |
2388.32 |
Additional payments approved at 13th November 2023 meeting
Payer |
Service |
Amount |
S Knowles |
Clerk's backpay of salary due to NJC pay scale increase |
213.00 |
213.00 |
Payments Received since 12th October 2023 meeting
Appendix B
Item 10 on agenda FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC
1 Tower/Priory/Eastwood Archers Report Waiting outcome
2 Sibsey Road 2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard FMS 404599 Informed work be done when funds available
3 Whitehouse Lane Lamp out BBC 404325 Lamp number required
4 Church Green Road Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4153606 Proposal for works South Division – request update from LCC
5 Eastwood Road Footpath Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4164960 As above
6 Freiston Road Footpath Footpath uneven and damaged FMS 4164961 As above
7 Church Green Road Extension of path – Email 15/12/2021 LCC 4169782 Chase LCC for update
8 Scalp Road Potholes Sep-21 LCC 13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
9 Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road Corner Lamp out (No 13) BBC 15830584 Fixed
10 Pilleys Lane Blocked Drains LCC 442737 Part of next scheduled works