15th May 2023 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of Fishtoft Annual Parish Council meeting held Monday 15th May 2023 at St Guthlac’s Church Hall, Fishtoft commencing after the Fishtoft Annual Parish Meeting

Councillor Helen Crawford presiding as Chairperson
Councillor Joff Williams presiding as Vice-Chairperson
Councillors Elizabeth Armstrong, Richard Lenton, and Roly Ashley

Boston Borough Councillor David Scoot
Boston Borough Councillor Sarah Sharpe 
Fishtoft Parish Council Clerk – Sarah Knowles

All Declaration of Acceptance of Office of the councillors attending this evening’s meeting were signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

The meeting opened at 7.12pm

1.    To elect a Chairperson for the ensuing year (2023/24)
It was proposed by Cllr Lenton seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections to elect Cllr Crawford as Chairperson for the ensuing year (2023/24).

2.     To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairperson of Fishtoft Parish Council 2023/24
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairperson was signed by Cllr Crawford and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

3.     To elect a Vice Chairperson for the ensuing year (2023/24)
It was proposed by Cllr Armstrong seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections to elect Cllr Williams as Vice Chairperson for the ensuing year (2023/24).

4.     Public Forum 
There were no members of the public present to ask any questions or make any short statements during the time allocated.

5.     Chairperson’s remarks
Councillor Crawford welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated all the Parish Councillors being re-elected.

6.     Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Cllrs J and P Skinner sent their apologies of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reasons for not attending. Following proposal by Cllr Ashely, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved to accept the reasons for absence.

7.     Declarations of interest – (if any) To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
There were no Declarations of Interest received.

8.     Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th April 2023 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Armstrong and with no objections it was resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.

9.    Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/23
a)     To receive the report of the internal auditor and RFO’s response.

A report had been circulated to the Parish Councillors of which the comments were queried before being proposed by Cllr Ashley, seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections it was resolved to recognise the information given in the report.

b)     To receive the Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2023, to be signed by the Chairperson and Responsible Finance Officer.
The Balance Sheet had previously been circulated of which it was proposed by Cllr Armstrong seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections to be signed by Cllr Crawford and the Responsible Finance Officer S Knowles.

c)     To approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)) for financial year 2022/23 and authorise signing by the Chairman and Parish Clerk
Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for financial year 2022/23 had been circulated to the Parish Councillors of which it was proposed by Cllr Armstrong seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections authorised to be signed by Cllr Crawford and the Parish Clerk S Knowles.

d)     To approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for financial year
2022/2023 and authorise signing by the Chairperson and Responsible Finance Officer.
Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for financial year 2022/23 had been circulated to the Parish Councillors of which it was proposed by Cllr Crawford seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections authorised to be signed by Cllr Crawford and the Responsible Finance Officer S Knowles.

10.    Finance
a)     Payment of accounts to be approved


Reason for Payment


Payment method

TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (April 2023)


Online payment

Guardian Storage Ltd

PC Document Storage (May 2023)


Online payment

Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Online payment

Fishtoft Playing Field

Approved Grant


Online payment

H Crawford

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


Online payment

E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


Online payment

E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Buoy


Online payment

S Knowles

Staff Costs


Online payment

Following proposal by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Ashley and with no objections it was resolved that these payments should be made.

b)    To approve renewal of Parish Council Insurance
The quote received for the 2023/2024 Parish Council Insurance was £233.72.  After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Armstrong seconded by Cllr Lenton and with no objections to accept and pay the Insurance renewal quote.

c)     Additional payments to be approved after setting of the agenda
There were no additional payments made.

d)     Payments & receipts: since 13th April 2023 - Appendix A
Only payments recorded in the 13th April 2023 minutes and as per Appendix A were made.

e)     Balance of Treasury Account as of 30th April 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 30th April 2023 was £18356.62.

f)     Balance of Savings Account as of 30th April 2023
All members had received a copy of the bank statement via email prior to the meeting of which showed that balance of the bank account as of 30th April 2023 was £57963.21.

g)    To resolve to transfer additional funds to Savings account 
After deliberation it was proposed by Cllr Armstrong seconded by Cllr Williams and with no objections to transfer £3000 to the Savings Account.

h)    To relinquish funds to Fishtoft 400 Community Group held by Fishtoft Parish
The Fishtoft 400 Community Group informed that they now have their own Constitution and Bank account to be able to run as an official Community Group, therefore asked if the remaining funds currently held by the Parish Council could be relinquished to them.  Following proposal by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Ashley and with Cllrs Crawford and Armstrong abstaining and no objections it was resolved that this should be made.

11.     Planning matters - Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.  To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a)     B/23/0144 – Single storey extension to rear of garage and alterations to the existing garage including new pitched roof at 62 Pilleys Lane, Boston, PE21 9RB
There were no objections to this planning application.

b)     Planning Reports and Information received including Planning Application decisions
Full planning permission has been granted for the following:
•    Extension to form addition general storage space at Boston Bowl, Rochford Tower Lane, Fishtoft, Boston, PE21 9RH
•    Erection of new substation building, Containerised Standby Generator and associated facilities at Pilgrim Hospital, Spilsby Road, Boston, PE21 9QS

12.    Highway - To consider and make observations associated with Highways matters that are not associated with Appendix B
a)    Litter Bins
– update
Correspondence was sent to Matt Fisher at BBC but no response has been received to the questions relating to this prior to the meeting.

b)    Scalp Road
An email received relating to this matter to Cllr P Skinner was circulated prior to this meeting to all the Parish Councillors.

Nothing has been done in this vicinity and is an issue that seriously needs addressing as no-one is able to go up and down the road due to its extreme erosion and being an essential Tourist Access route.

13.      Members reports and business
a)     Clearing and tidying the wooded area near the Hobhole pumping station
- Update 
A meeting was recently held between Cllr Ashley, Mrs Ordway and Alan Mills, Head of Industries for HM Prison Service do discuss the clearing and tidying of the area.  It was also relayed that they may be able to plant extra trees in the area.

b)     Fishtoft 400/Buoy - Any updates 
The Community Group is running successfully with a few new members.  The committee are currently looking at additional funding so that the group can remain free to those who attend.

It was relayed that they may have some funding for the group for transport to go on any trips.

It was conveyed at the last Parish Council meeting that they are looking into funding for new Fire Doors at Rochford Tower Hall.  On speaking with one of the Trustees of the hall they were informed that they had sufficient money for the work to be carried out but needed help in moving forward with this matter.  Cllr Armstrong said that she would look into getting quotes to either refurbish or replace the current Fire Doors.

In association with the Buoy, a visit from Nick Jones from Transported had recently occurred in reviewing what needs to be done.  One of the jobs required is for the old paint to be removed which would mean being angle-grinded off.  It was believed that this would require a professional person to do the job instead of any volunteer which would mean more funding would be required for the work to be carried out.

c)    Outer Dowsing Liaison Community Group update from Councillor Ashley
There has been no updated information received since the last Parish Council meeting.  

d)    Coronation Memorabilia update
The clerk informed the Parish Council that the memorabilia purchased for the children at both Primary Schools in the parish had been received and delivered to the school prior to the Coronation.  She relayed however, that two of the mugs were either cracked or chipped and had contacted the company regarding this of which they agreed to give a refund.  

A query was relayed in what would be happening with surplus of mugs.  It was proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Ashley and with no objections it was resolved that these could be given to the Fishtoft 400 Community Group.

e)    Parish Council Website
Cllr Ashley relayed that the site looks better than previously with the clerk updating when possible.

f)    Parish Council Noticeboards
Cllr Williams conveyed that the other noticeboards will be refurbished soon.

Cllr Ashley reported that the new one will replace the old one once he has obtained someone to aid him with this.

g)    Committees, working groups and representatives - To discuss, update and resolve
Parish Councillors were assigned to the relevant committees, working groups and as representatives to other associations or relevant bodies.

14.     Correspondence received, Events & Reports - To discuss any correspondence received including after setting of agenda
A letter had been received from South East Lincolnshire Council’s Partnership re Tree planting and Community Orchard’s Scheme.

This was discussed with a suggestion that the old playing field in Maple Road may be a good location though how would this be actually monitored and maintained was a query raised.

Cllr Lenton relayed that he had received an email from a resident relating to vandalism in the parish and that more police presence was required.  

15.     Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council - To receive any updates on reported issues Appendix B
The clerk was asked to put on the speed limit recommendation onto Appendix B.

16.     Dates for future confirmed meetings

Thursday 15th June 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

Monday 10th July 2023


Pavilion, Fishtoft Playing Fields

Thursday 10th August 2023


Rochford Tower Hall

It was resolved at 8.51pm to move into close session to discuss the next agenda item

17.    Grass maintenance Contractor
One quote was received from the previous contractor with a 5% increase to previous years quote.  

This was reviewed and deemed that the current contractor was reliable and that the quote was value for money in relation to the areas quoted.  Therefore, it was agreed that this year’s contract should be awarded again to TA Blackamore Ltd, but it was relayed that there should be a formal contract in place.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.03pm

Appendix A

Item 10d on agenda        


Payments made prior to 13th April meeting




Running Imp Ltd

Coronation Memorabilia





Payments made as approved on 13th April 2023 meeting




TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (March 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

Storage of PC Documents (April 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Fishtoft Playing Field

Approved Grant


H Crawford

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Buoy


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Payments to be approved at the 15th May 2023 meeting




TA Blackamore Ltd

Ground Maintenance (April 2023)


Guardian Storage Ltd

Storage of PC Documents (May 2023)


Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Printer Ink


Fishtoft Playing Field

Approved Grant


H Crawford

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Community Group


E Armstrong

Reimbursement re Fishtoft 400 Buoy


S Knowles

Staff Costs





Payments Received since the 13th April 2023 meeting




Boston Borough Council

1st Precept Payment (£20047-£5158.84

for Streetway Lighting


Boston Borough Council

Warm Spaces Grant


Lincolnshire Co-op

Community Grant





Appendix B 
Item 15 on agenda            FixMyStreet, LCC & BBC

No.    AREA                                                             ISSUE    DATE    HOW    REF    OUTCOME
1        Tower/Priory/Eastwood                                  Archers Report                Waiting outcome
2        Sibsey Road                                                  2 x Damaged pavement, trip hazard        FMS    404599    Informed work be done when funds available
3        Whitehouse Lane                                          Lamp out        BBC    404325    Lamp number required
4        Church Green Road                                      Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4153606    Proposal for works South Division – request update from LCC
5        Eastwood Road Footpath                             Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164960    As above
6        Freiston Road Footpath                                Footpath uneven and damaged        FMS    4164961    As above
7        Church Green Road                                      Extension of path – Email     15/12/2021    LCC    4169782    Chase LCC for update
8        Scalp Road                                                    Potholes & need for layby    Sep-21    LCC        13/12/21 P.S. Unadopted – sponsors being looked for – Environment agency have patched
9        Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road Corner    Lamp out (No 13)        BBC    15830584    Fixed
10      Pilleys Lane                                                   Blocked Drains        LCC    442737    Part of next scheduled works