March 2020 Minutes


Present: Cllrs. E. Armstrong (Chairman) H. Staples (Vice Chairman), J. Williams, O. Snell, J. Skinner P. Skinner, M. Ordway, R. Lenton

Mrs K Partridge (RFO) Mrs V Clark (Clerk)

Also present Ms. H. Crawford to be Co-opted and Boston Borough Cllr. J. Noble

26.1 Chairman’s remarks

a) It was discussed that if meeting places are closed the members will meet with a small number of councillors and if meetings are told not to go ahead then business where possible will be conducted via email or other methods

b) The small group of members will be, Cllrs. E. Armstrong, J. Williams, R. Lenton & H. Crawford (If Co- opted), Cllr. H Staples will be at hand if needed

c) It was agreed that the Annual Meetings in May 18th should be postponed, on proposal from Cllr. M. Ordway and seconded by Cllr. H. Staples

ACTION: The clerk to post that notice on boards & website

d) The Chairman welcomed Ms Helen Crawford to the meeting

26.2 Apologies for absence

None received

26.3 Declarations of interest

Cllr. P. Skinner for Item 17

26.4 Police report

a) 15 incidents were reported, including Burglary, Theft, Fraud & Forgery

b) Residents doors are being tried to see if they are locked

c) It was asked if the police are including the Hilldyke Ward to include Pilgrim Hospital, in their report

ACTION: The clerk to ask that question

d) Call 101 to report anything suspicious

26.5 Minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2020

a) The clerk was asked to include more information on the minutes of the meeting as there are a public record, she reminded the members that minutes taken of a meeting should not detail all conversations but be a record of decisions made. The clerk will give more details of subject matters.

b) On proposal from Cllr. J. Skinner & seconded by Cllr. P. Skinner the minutes from the last meeting were approved and they were signed by the Chairman.

26.6 Co-option – To discuss vacant seats and applications

A letter was received from Ms Helen Crawford detailing why she would like to be co-opted as a member of Fishtoft Parish Council.

On proposal from Cllr. M. Ordway and seconded by Cllr. R. Lenton all members welcomed Ms. Crawford onto the council and she signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office witnessed by the clerk, Mrs V Clark.

26.7 Report on outstanding matters from previous meetings including:

a) Wooded area at Hobhole Pumping Station

Cllr. Ordway met with a representative of North Sea Camp on site to discuss what help the camp could contribute again to the overgrown areas, it was stated that it would be easier if the council had equipment for use. This is something that the members could discuss at a later date.

b) Subsidence at Pilgrim Fathers Memorial site

Cllr. P Skinner updated the members on this matter - The bank is subsiding; the Environment Agency is aware of this and work is likely to start in August.

c) Replica Stocks

I. Cllr. Staples informed the members that she has a picture showing the stocks in what is now the Red Cow Garden.

II. With permission it might be able to be placed in the playing field.

III. An approximate cost of stocks would be helpful

ACTION: Cllr. P. Skinner enquire about the cost of the ones purchased by Boston B.C

d) A16 speed calming (joint request with Sibsey P.C)

Sibsey P.C has signed the letter drafted by Cllr. Williams on behalf of Fishtoft P.C. and Cllr. Armstrong as Chairman counter signed.

ACTION: The clerk to post the letter to Lincolnshire C.C

e) Church Green Road parking

The clerk has contacted & chased up LHP but no reply has been received

ACTION: The clerk to keep chasing

f) Parking on Zig Zag lines near schools

Enforcement staff to attend the area from time to time, it might be those dropping off at the pre-school.

ACTION: The clerk to contact both pre-school & school to let them know of the problem

27.1 Viewpoints on questions/statements from members of the public during the forum

None received

27.2 Litter Picking Group report

As the weather is picking up cleaning up could soon resume, it was pointed out that the wooded area needs attention

27.3 Clerks report and correspondence received

a) New website training

The clerk had previously sent a report to all members on details from the training session The previous clerk was asked to send the password for the old website to the clerk

ACTION: When a password is received for the new website the clerk to start transferring information from the old website

b) Lincolnshire Lowland Search & Rescue - Reply

It is the policy of the council to only give grants to those causes that benefit the residents of the parish, it has no rights to spend public money outside of the area.

ACTION: The clerk to inform the LLSR

c) Burton Croft Road

A letter with letters was received to say that the area is not being drained adequately

ACTION: Cllr. P. Skinner to speak to highways

ACTION: The clerk to let those reporting it know what initial action is being taken

d) Maple Road play area

2 Residents have enquired as to what plans the council has for this area, at this stage the parish council does not have any plans other than to keep it as a community area for residents, it would welcome a community group to form and suggest possibilities for the area and with the parish councils permission apply for a grant to fund the agreed plan.

ACTION: The clerk to inform those that enquired

e) Temporary Road/Path Restrictions –

a) Cut End Road 23/3 & 25/3

b) Footpath closure by the Environment Agency for Boston Haven Banks Project – Boston, Fishtoft & Wyberton restrictions implemented when required between 30th March & 30th September 2020

f) LCC email addresses will replace


i. NALC Spring Conference – Cancelled

ii. LALC website cover photos

LALC are looking for local photos for their website, newsletters etc.

ACTION: The clerk to find out if there is a closing date and inform those members interested

27.4 Councillors issues & Agenda Items

a) Emergency Plan

Cllr. Williams would like to attend the training session for this with LALC

ACTION: The clerk to book this

b) Cllr Staples reported the surface flooding on the corner of Kingsway/Woodthorpe Ave. The tactile paving also gets covered, there appears to be concrete in the drain.

ACTION: Cllr. P. Skinner to speak to Lincolnshire County Cllr. Griggs

c) Cllr. Stables requested that the parish council determine ownership of a stretch of grass as you enter Rider Gardens on the right-hand side which is being looked after by residents

ACTIONS: The clerk to contact Boston B.C for clarification of ownership

28.1 Boston Borough and Lincolnshire County Councillors reports

Boston Borough Cllr. Noble spoke about the following

a) Planning permission for a hair stylist's salon at 11 Pilleys Lane was refused.

b) Boston Barrier Hub meeting, 24.2.20. Presentation by Adam Robinson, Project Director. Barrier 50% complete. Right bank of Haven to be raised to prevent flooding in Fishtoft.

c) New Designated Premises Supervisor for Great Northern Pub refused by Licensing Sub-committee on 16.3.20. Applicant had chequered history of non-compliance with police and Council requests.

d) Fly-tipping in Boston Borough is increasing. Target: 80 % removal in two days; the reality 68%.

e) Fishtoft Fun Day queried. Decision: postponement.

f) Request by Councillor Williams for bullet points: done.

g) Council Tax increase for Fishtoft residents 2.05%; greater increase for BTAC residents.

28.2 Finance report

a) Budget update

The RFO had previously sent all members the ongoing budget amounts and confirmed that it was on schedule

b) Bank Mandate and signatories

ACTION: The RFO to change over the contact information to the clerk & then add and delete signatories

c) Payroll outsourcing report

The clerk had a report on costs for outsourcing this to a professional company, the RFO offered to carry on doing it. After discussion, it was decided that there would be no outsourcing and the clerk agreed to take this on.

ACTION: The clerk to get the information needed from the RFO

d) Audit preparation payment approval

NALC have advised that due to the coronavirus that councils should get their Internal Audit & paperwork completed in April A.S.A.P

ACTION: The RFO to deal with this

e) Purchase of Microsoft Office

Since the previous meeting the MS office Pro package has gone up in price, the clerk again asked for the lifetime one user package as she knows this is the full version of MS including Outlook. After discussion the members decided that the clerk should purchase the pro package recommended by Cllr. P. Skinner


On proposal from Cllr. P. Skinner and seconded by Cllr. Staples the above payments were authorised along with last months payment to TA Blackamore that was held back.

29.1 Mayflower 400

a) The buoys have not yet been seen

b) 5,000 trail maps have been ordered

c) Due to the coronavirus the needlework has been postponed as this involved meeting with the school children

d) The wood carvers have started and will be making totem poles & a bench from water recovered wood

e) The glass and mosaic group will be making artwork for the buoys

29.2 Fun Day 2020 – 31st May

a) A draft poster has been completed and shown to the members, payment will be made but printing put on hold

b) Cllr. Lenton has made steps to get on the stage

c) The day was scheduled for the 31st May but will now be postponed due to the coronavirus

29.3 Speed Calming Initiative – To discuss reports

A report was sent to all members from Cllr. Williams it was discussed that residents should have a say on what measures are taken so the clerk will advertise this

ACTION: The clerk to post on the website, notice boards & Boston Bulletin for 3 months & give the members a monthly update.

29.4 Planning matters - To include applications dated 9/3 – 16/3

B/20/0094 – Single story extension to rear of property & single storey entrance lobby extension at White House, Priory Road, Fishtoft, PE21 0RF.

All members without an interest have no comments on this application

29.5 Date of next meeting – Monday 20 April 2020 at Rochford Tower Hall, commencing at 7.00pm with a 10-minute public forum, if required.

Due to the coronavirus this may be cancelled nearer the time, however there will be no surgery

There will be a surgery between 6.30 and 7.00pm Councillors will be in attendance – CANCELLED