January 2022 Minutes

Notes taken by the Clerk at the meeting of Fishtoft Parish Council, which was held on Monday 10 January 2022 at the Playing Fields Pavilion, Fishtoft, starting at 7:00pm.
(These notes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Present:  Councillors: Helen Crawford (Chairperson), Joff Williams (Vice Chairman), Liz Armstrong, 
Richard Lenton, Margaret Ordway and Mrs Victoria Clark, Clerk to the Council.
Councillor Paul Skinner arrived before the start of the meeting during the report from Councillor Noble
Also present: Boston Borough Councillor (BBC) Jonathan Noble

Public forum:
•    No public in attendance 
Councillor Noble:
•    A report was given and included how council tax monies are spent:
For every £10
£7.22 to Lincolnshire County Council.
£1.41 to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
£0.32p to the Parish councils and BTAC Special Expenses.
£1.05 to Boston Borough Council.
Of this £1.05 BBC pays 55p to the Internal Drainage Boards.
BBC keeps 50p.
•    As part of the Local Government Finance Settlement, Boston Borough Council will receive £1,417,335.00 of Central Government monies for the financial year 2022-23.

Councillor P Skinner:
Lincolnshire County Council
•    There is a £12 million funding gap for 2022/23 following a 25% cut from central government in February 2021 for highways funding
Boston Borough Council
•    Between East Lindsey District, Boston Borough and South Holland Councils there is a 12.2 million green home scheme the criteria will be available soon.

The meeting opened at 7:25pm

1.    Chairman’s remarks:
•    Councillor Crawford welcomed everyone to the first meeting in 2022
•    The Chairperson had received the resignation from Councillor Linda Taylor and mentioned she was sorry that Mrs Taylor felt she could no longer continue in the role of Parish Councillor

2.    Apologies for absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting
•    Apologies with reasons had been given to the Clerk and Chairperson from Councillors Ashley & J Skinner
•    On proposal from Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Williams and with no objections, all resolved to accept the reasons given

3.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
•    Declarations of interest were received from Councillor P Skinner for item 6 and from Councillor Lenton for Item 5a-iv

4.    Notes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 13 December 2021: To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
•    On proposal from Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Lenton and with no objections, all resolved to accept the notes of 13 December 2021 as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairperson to sign them

5.    Finance:
a)    Payment of accounts
i.    December Staff Costs: £310.00 + HMRC + Disbursements £1.32
•    Total staff costs £543.52
ii.    TA Blackamore Ltd: January grass Maintenance: £1085.66
iii.    LALC ½ payment (with Carrington PC) for Clerk’s CiLCA Course £120.00
•    On Proposal from Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor P Skinner, with no objections, all resolved to authorise the above payments
iv.    Fishtoft Playing Field Trust: Hall hire Mosaic work shop £150 (Fishtoft 400) & £10 key cut £10.00 = £160.00
•    The Playing Fields committee waived the above charges for the Mosaic workshop due to no heating but stated that a donation would be appreciated
•    A further invoice has been received for the hire of the hall for meetings to the end of the financial year at a cost of £200, £20 per meeting 
•    On Proposal from Councillor Ordway and seconded by Councillor P Skinner, with no objections, all resolved to authorise the £200 for hall hire, £10 for key cutting and to donate £40 from the Fishtoft 400 fund to cover the workshop hire 
b)    Cash book and bank balance as of 31 December 2021
i.    Bank balance: £63,665.63
ii.    Cash Book: Sent to members for approval 
•    The bank statement to the end of December was seen by all members
•    On Proposal from Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor P Skinner, with no objections, all resolved to agree with the balance
•    Councillor Williams requested a shortened version of the cash book, the Clerk will send out before the next meeting both the full book and a shortened version showing expenditure and income since the last meeting
c)    Receipts:
i.    £758.61: Allotment rent
ii.    £142.99: Allotment rent
•    £61.07 Allotment rent is still owed
d)    Savings account – Update
•    The Clerks complaint to Lloyds had been sent to the wrong department who rang to explain on 20 December 2021 and assured the Clerk that it would be forwarded to the correct department

6.    Planning matters: Town and Country Planning Act 1990: To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council.
To include applications received after this agenda has been posted and the day of the meeting
a)    B/21/0551: Proposed replacement dwelling and associated works at Sunnyside Farm, Clampgate Road, PE21 0SB
•    Those members that had not declared an interest had no objection; a comment was made that the plan looks good.

7.    Clerk’s report and outstanding matters:
•    The Clerk received a reply from Lincolnshire County Council regarding Gaysfield Road and had forwarded to all Members who are happy with the proposed 20mph speed limit at the school and yellow lines.

8.    Members reports and business:
a)    Clearing and tidying the area near the Hobhole pumping station: To receive and update from Councillor Ordway and discuss any action
•    North Sea Camp’s Community engagement officer had detailed tools needed at a cost of £373.93 and Councillor Ordway had received a quote of £350 for a one week hire of a shredder of which a £300 deposit would be required.
•    On proposal from Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Crawford and with no objections, all resolved to purchase the tools requested and hire a shredder once a year and ask Witham Fourth to store them and a grant will be applied for.
b)    Fishtoft 400 Heritage lottery fund: Update
•    Heritage Lottery has signed off the grant after receiving an end of grant report from Councillor Crawford.
•    A suitable base to hold the mosaics on the buoy needs to be decided 
c)    Queens Platinum Jubilee: To receive an update and discuss  
•    Councillor Armstrong went through a list of what still needs to be completed/ordered and asked for volunteers for some of the actions.
•    Councillor Armstrong will email an updated copy of the list to the Clerk to circulate
•    The Clerk to Pay £300 deposit to Wells for a hire of a marquee
d)    Emergency Plan: To receive updates and discuss
•    The next stage is to form a working group of enthusiastic residents this will need the help of the media committee when it is formed  
e)    Anglian Water: To discuss inviting a representative of AW and what needs to be discussed
•    The Clerk to invite representatives of Anglian Water to a council meeting, this will be after a list of questions have been produced
•    Councillor P Skinner to send the Clerk the list from the last meeting to share with all Members
f)    Boston Borough Council £1,000 grant: To discuss possible recipients 
•    After discussion it was agreed that Councillor Crawford would apply for the grant to be used as an environmental project, this will be the purchase of the tools and hire of a shredder for the clearing and tidying of the wooded area near Hobhole pumping station.

9.    Correspondence received, Events & Reports:
a)    LALC Joint councillor update evening: To discuss members attending, evening to be set in spring
•    The Clerk explained that if 12 or more councillors from near-by parishes were interested in LALC coming to them one evening for an update session then this would come under the training scheme so the only cost to councils would be a share in hall hire and refreshments.
•    This would also be an opportunity to meet other councils  
•    3 members would go if available on the night, 2 might attend and 1 would not.
b)    LALC Allotment training February £54.00: To discuss Clerk attending 
•    It was voted on as to whether the Clerk should attend these sessions 2 members voted yes, 3 voted no with 1 abstaining
•    Councillor Lenton is a member of the allotment society and if any questions etc. are needed, he will enquire on the council’s behalf

10.    Fix My Street, Highways and Boston Borough Council: To receive any updates on reported issues
No-one had any updates
•    Councillor P Skinner asked the Clerk to send him a list to follow up

11.    Next meeting: Monday 14 February 2022 at 7:00pm
•    It was agreed that the meeting on Monday 14 February 2022 would be cancelled unless urgent matters arise.
•    The next meeting will be held on Monday 14 March 2022 at 7pm in the Playing Fields Pavilion at 7pm

The meeting closed at 9:00 pm